7 Quotes About Technocracy

Technocracy or “techno” in its most basic form is the idea that computers and automation will take over human jobs. It’s a scary thought for many, but not as scary as it might seem. While this may sound like a fantasy, it’s already happening. In fact, we have already automated a large part of our lives Read more

We have automated the mundane tasks of grocery shopping, house cleaning, and office work. The list just goes on and on. Techno is here to stay and the future is bright! Here are quotes about technocracy from all over the web to help you prepare for what’s ahead!

In this place a mind was at work to negate the image of a free and intact man. It intended to rely on man power in the same way that it had relied on horsepower. It wanted units to be equal and divisable, and for that purpose man had to be destroyed as the horse had already been destroyed. Unknown
Our culture of violence is an incubator, where our children are the crop of future techno-warrior killers. Bryant McGill
One would think that by the second decade of the twenty-first century, the intellectual poverty of technocracy and the primacy of politics over it would be a well-established truth in need of no further defense. Evgeny Morozov
Technical people don't make good slaves. Without their wholehearted cooperation, things fall apart. Vernor Vinge
It is a curious thought that the earliest description of the steam-engine in antiquity describes its use for the magic opening of the temple doors, when the priests lit the fires on the altars, to deceive the populace into ascribing to a deity what was the work of the engineer. In much the same way today, the almost boundless fecundity of the creative scientific discoveries and inventions of the age are being appropriated for the purpose of the mysterious opening of doors into the holy of holies of the temples of mammon by a hierarchy of imposters and humbugs, whom it is the first task of a sane civilization to expose and clear out. Frederick Soddy
Makers?" said Toby. Jaysir nodded." We're not loners, you know. There just weren't any on Wallop. We love to get together, we just refuse to engage in social relations that are based on material inequity. Karl Schroeder