3 Quotes & Sayings By Karl Schroeder

Karl Schroeder was born in Bielefeld, Germany, and is the author of the best-selling book "The Complete Guide to Personal Finance." He has been a financial journalist for more than 20 years and has appeared on the TODAY Show and the CBS Evening News. He started his own business, Money Matters, in 1991 and now helps people all over the world with their personal finance problems.

An ancient sage held that in different ages, humans held the senses in different ratios, according to the media by which they communicated and expressed themselves. Hence before writing, the ear was the royal sense. After writing, the eye. Karl Schroeder
Makers?" said Toby. Jaysir nodded." We're not loners, you know. There just weren't any on Wallop. We love to get together, we just refuse to engage in social relations that are based on material inequity. Karl Schroeder