20 Quotes About Take-Care

Take care of your health. Take care of your body. Take care of yourself. You’re worth it.

I love and care for everyone because I know the...
I love and care for everyone because I know the pain of being unloved and uncared. Luffina Lourduraj
You're going to make it; You're going to be at...
You're going to make it; You're going to be at peace; You're going to create, and love, and laugh, and live; You're going to do great things. Germany Kent
Please be kind to your body, take care of it; because it loves you unconditionally. There is an army/ a plethora of organisms that are at work day and night without a moment’s respite to keep it going. It protects you from illnesses; repairs cuts and heals broken bones. Your heart doesn’t stop beating, even when you are asleep or resting; it snatches those very few moments between heartbeats. Despite the misuse that you put it to, it always faithfully and dutifully takes it in its stride. In a nutshell- it never lets you down and serves you with all its heart. So, be kind to it, don’t punish it for loving you. . Latika Teotia
Everything changed when I learned to honour my body instead of fighting it. When I learned to take care of it, like a precious castle to protect this weary heart. To stop harming it, punishing it for looking like this or that, feeling like this or that. I don't look like they all told me I had to do, but I'm healthy and strong and vital. That is enough. Charlotte Eriksson
The simplest way to silence your critics as a leader is to do what they claim you can’t do. However, be careful they don’t set you up to take fatal risks to please their criticisms. Israelmore Ayivor
God wants to take care of us, raise us up and direct us in life Sunday Adelaja
Take care of your manners as seriously as your money. Amit Kalantri
Be careful of who becomes your friend and why. The person who will bite off your lips one day will have to first promise you a kiss today. Be careful of hypocrites. Israelmore Ayivor
It’s January and I’m kicking snow off the ground. I just threw out the flower you made me promise to water, handle with care, because I was too careless, you said. Careless with things and people, around me and behindand I remember being still for just a second or two, thinking that it’s so much easier to leave and start anew, than take care of what’s already here. Charlotte Eriksson
Be careful when rising to the top. Be more careful when you get there. The higher you go, the riskier it gets. Be careful. Be very careful. Israelmore Ayivor
If someone drives you into the dirty gutter, it's because you have given him your car key. Be careful of who leads you and to where and why... else, you will be taken away before you become aware! Be awake! Israelmore Ayivor
Never say "I don't care"! We are all looking up to you. Dare to break the fence that confines you! Make it happen! Israelmore Ayivor
The reason why salt and sugar are known to be sweet is that they season other things. Care to share and dare to do it every day! Israelmore Ayivor
People lose their pleasures because they "don't care". Others misuse their treasures because they "care less". If you'll win, you must care! Israelmore Ayivor
Be careful you don’t give up on what is yet to give you victory. Many people quit when they were yet to win. Successful people never quit and I believe no quitter had ever been successful too. Israelmore Ayivor
God created everyone to love and to be loved; If you will not take care of people, just leave them as they came... D O N' T SCRATCH THEM with your actions. Israelmore Ayivor
Live in the now and the how will take care of itself. A.D. Posey
No, no, it's not all random, if it was really random, the universe would abandon us completely, and the universe doesn't. It takes care of its most fragile creations in ways we can't see. R.J. Palacio
Take care of your dog because a dead dog is NOT a fun companion! Darlene Arden