65 Quotes About Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan is a master of all things that are good. He is the master of the sacred at the sacred, the master of all that is not to be done. His word is like a wand in the hand of a child to banish all fear. As per his divine command, he has created the religion of Dadaism Read more

From his teachings is derived the religion of Bhagwanism, which has spread far and wide across the world.

The worldly life means a market place of sensual pleasures....
The worldly life means a market place of sensual pleasures. Worldly life means false (temporary) happiness all the time. And moksha (liberation) means permanent happiness all the time. Dada Bhagwan
Believing happiness to be in the eternal thing is called...
Believing happiness to be in the eternal thing is called the enlightened vision (samkit). Dada Bhagwan
There is no happiness in what worldly people believe happiness...
There is no happiness in what worldly people believe happiness in, there is happiness in what Gnani [the enlightened one] believes the happiness in. What people regard as happiness is not happiness. Dada Bhagwan
Depression arises when one uses his power and authority. Whatever authority there is, it is there for giving happiness to others. Authority is to give happiness to others, even to those who are guilty of doing wrong. Dada Bhagwan
Many people suffer great miseries but if you ask them in front of others, 'you went through great difficulty, didn't you?', then they will respond, 'no, no I didn't have any suffering'. Then they feel happy. So what kind of ‘egoism’ should one do? During times of sorrow, one should do the ‘egoism’ of happiness such that 'no one is happier than I! ' People in general do the ‘egoism’ of sorrow at the time of happiness. Dada Bhagwan
From the moment one encounters bad company (kusang), there is nothing but unhappiness, thus run away from the bad company. When you feel unhappy inside, know that this is bad company so run from there. Run away from that which arouses unhappiness at its mere sight. Dada Bhagwan
Charity (Daan) means to make another living being happy, whether it is a human being or some animals, giving happiness to them, that is what is called Charity. When you give happiness to everyone, happiness will indeed come to you in its ‘reaction’. If you give happiness then you immediately receive happiness just sitting at home. Dada Bhagwan
Things do not give unhappiness, ignorance (of one’s real Self) does. Dada Bhagwan
The path of spirituality is a path where one has to keep on reducing his wishes for worldly happiness, as one moves on the path ahead. And ultimately there, natural and spontaneous bliss of the Self will arise. Your own true happiness, eternal happiness will arise. Dada Bhagwan
Grace of the Gnani’ [the enlightened one] will take you to moksha [ultimate liberation] and ‘Grace of God’ will give you worldly happiness. God will not take you to moksha, because God cannot be realized without a ‘Gnani’ [the enlightened one], can he? He remains hidden. Dada Bhagwan
One who experiences prasantta [blissful happiness] within, he will have...
One who experiences prasantta [blissful happiness] within, he will have prasantta [blissful happiness] externally. The mind is a mirror (reflection) for the external. Dada Bhagwan
As long as one is ruled by illusion, one’s thinking process is also illusory and that is nothing but misery. In Gnanis’ [the enlightened one’s] language, there is no such thing as happiness or unhappiness. Dada Bhagwan
The Vitarags (attachment-free enlightened one’s) say, ‘Make whatever intents that are suitable to you. If you get sensual intents towards Me, then do those sensual intents and if you have celibate intents towards Me, do celibate intents and if you get religious intents, do religious intents; if you get reverence-intents, do reverence intents and if you want to curse, then curse me. I confront [challenge] no one.” A person that doesn’t confront goes to Moksha and the person who confronts, resides here [worldly life bondage]. Dada Bhagwan
The law of nature is such that everyone gets happiness...
The law of nature is such that everyone gets happiness according to their needs. The ‘tender’ that everyone (of us) fills out, is indeed fulfilled. Dada Bhagwan
The ‘egoism’ that is used to hurt others will hurt...
The ‘egoism’ that is used to hurt others will hurt one’s own self. The ‘egoism’ that is used to give happiness to others becomes cause for his own happiness. Dada Bhagwan
Jalebi (dessert) makes tea taste bland [tasteless]. Similarly, when one tastes the happiness of the Self, it makes worldly happiness bland. One cannot break free from the worldly life until one finds worldly happiness bland. Dada Bhagwan
Pleasure is ‘suffering’ (vedna) and pain is distress as well. If pleasure is ‘suffering’, it cannot be considered a pleasure. If pleasure is enjoyed excessively, it becomes ‘suffering’. How can it be considered a pleasure? These are all entanglements of those living in illusion [of the Self]. To live in the ocean of happiness and yet no dislike arises; that is known as true happiness. Dada Bhagwan
If you like happiness, then worship that wherein happiness is inherent. Happiness is in God. God is an abode of infinite bliss. If you worship the inanimate (the non- Self, [Jad]), then you will have pain because there is only pain in the inanimate. Dada Bhagwan
A person who thinks he is right, causes great hurt...
A person who thinks he is right, causes great hurt to others and that is why hurt will come to him. A person who believes ‘I am right’, causes a lot of pain to others. Dada Bhagwan
Without the 'applied awareness' of the Soul, 'happiness' cannot arise.
Without the 'applied awareness' of the Soul, 'happiness' cannot arise. Dada Bhagwan
If someone says, "the Gnani Purush is happy in the 'Real' but happy or unhappy in the 'relative’", then I would say, "No, the Gnani Purush Knows the 'relative' as being the 'relative', and therefore He is happy in the relative as well. Dada Bhagwan
Gnani’ [the englightened one] gives freedom from all sufferings. Outside [world] reigns the cycle of antagonistic [painful] times, Kaliyug. On the contrary, it will even take away whatever happiness you may have. Dada Bhagwan
Your success in worldly life (sansar) is in proportion to...
Your success in worldly life (sansar) is in proportion to your faith and truthfulness! Dada Bhagwan
Intellectuals cannot find the bottom (base) of the faith. It...
Intellectuals cannot find the bottom (base) of the faith. It is not possible to do both together, to remain afloat and (also) measure the ocean depth at the same time. Dada Bhagwan
When can one’s soul acknowledge (accept)? When one has an ‘open mind’. This [Akram Vignan] is not something one has to keep faith in. Faith should arise automatically. Regardless of whether I rebuke or scold you, even then faith should come within you. Dada Bhagwan
When you put faith in that which you know, it...
When you put faith in that which you know, it is called faith (shraddha). When you put faith in what you don’t know; that is called ignorance-based faith [agnan- shraddha]. Dada Bhagwan
Many preach that do this way, do that way, have...
Many preach that do this way, do that way, have faith, speak the truth, have patience. These are all results (effects). How can results be changed? Dada Bhagwan
If one attains only the faith in the Self, he...
If one attains only the faith in the Self, he will not experience fear anywhere at all, fear will go away. Dada Bhagwan
There is everything in this world. But check and see what is allotted to you…. if you are truthful, you will get everything. People say that God helps those who are truthful. No, it’s not like that. A truthful person receives divinity [aishwarya (Godly energies)]. It requires from one; truthful intentions, honesty and real faith (loyalty). Dada Bhagwan
Gnan [True Knowledge] means the Guru's experiential talks.
Gnan [True Knowledge] means the Guru's experiential talks. Dada Bhagwan
When one gathers all the books of all worldly religions, when one beholds (dharan) them, then the phenomenon of religious upholding (dharma dharan) occurs. When that religious upholding becomes 100% strong, then the essence [marma] begins to manifest. When the essence becomes 100% strong, then the extract of the Knowledge [gnanark] begins to manifest. Here, we make you ‘drink’ (absorb) directly, the ‘Extract of the Knowledge’. . Dada Bhagwan
Worldly things (laukik) are perceived through the senses (indriya-gamya). That,...
Worldly things (laukik) are perceived through the senses (indriya-gamya). That, which is beyond the world (alaukik), is perceived [through the knowledge which is] beyond the senses (atindriya-gamya). Dada Bhagwan
Worldly knowledge (laukik gnan) is understood through the intellect (buddhi). Knowledge of that which is beyond the world (alaukik gnan) cannot be understood through the intellect. That is understood through ‘Gnan’ [Knowledge of the Real Self]. Dada Bhagwan
Worldly knowledge (laukik gnan) is called illusion (bhranti).
Worldly knowledge (laukik gnan) is called illusion (bhranti). Dada Bhagwan
That which comes forth, is present and cautions at all...
That which comes forth, is present and cautions at all times is called ‘Gnan’ (Eternal knowledge). That indeed is the Soul [Our True Self]. The Soul is not separate from the Knowledge. Dada Bhagwan
Only Gnan (Knowledge of the Self) will give liberation. All...
Only Gnan (Knowledge of the Self) will give liberation. All other instruments (& practices) create bondage. Dada Bhagwan
When someone picks the Gnani Purush’s [the enlightened one’s] ‘pocket’, how does the Gnani Purush’’ look at it? “Very well! This amount is now credited to my account”! Money spent for the home is money down the drain. How can anyone ‘see’ this [fact] with the narrow inner intent of ‘mine and yours’? With an all encompassing [broader] intent, one will see ‘as it is’, that is called ‘Gnan’ [Knowledge]. Dada Bhagwan
Unity does not exist in the world. Only when the...
Unity does not exist in the world. Only when the Gnani Purush [the enlightened one] grants moksha [liberation], does unity arise. Unity cannot prevail without Gnan [knowledge of the self]. Dada Bhagwan
Even the slightest criticism of others is an impediment (hindrance) to Absolute Knowledge (Kevalgnan, Absolute Enlightenment). It also hinders Atmagnan (Knowledge of the Self), also hinders Samkit (Self-realization). Dada Bhagwan
Vitarag’s [the enlightened one’s] 'water' (knowledge) will remove any kind...
Vitarag’s [the enlightened one’s] 'water' (knowledge) will remove any kind of (karmic) 'stains'. Dada Bhagwan
There are two aspects to this world; even though it is fickle, it is within principle. Through the medium of the five senses and intellectual knowledge, it appears fickle and through ‘Gnan’ (Real Knowledge) it appears to be within principle. Dada Bhagwan
The knowledge, which makes you ‘emotional’, is worldly awareness. True...
The knowledge, which makes you ‘emotional’, is worldly awareness. True awareness does not make you ‘emotional’. Dada Bhagwan
The whole world reacts negatively to loss. What wrong has loss done? If you ask God if he has any profit or loss, then God would tell you, 'You are looking at it from an illusory viewpoint, you are seeing ‘relative’ and that is why you see everything as a profit or loss. I see through Real knowledge’. Dada Bhagwan
The entire world is surviving only due to ‘beliefs’, not...
The entire world is surviving only due to ‘beliefs’, not because of ‘Knowledge’ (Gnan). Every human being is (living) only because of beliefs. Dada Bhagwan
People in the world ask for forgiveness, but [true] ‘pratikraman’ does not happen by doing that. That is like when people casually say ‘sorry’ or ‘thank you’. There is no significance in that; the significance is of ‘alochana-pratikraman-pratyakhyan’ (acknowledgement of the mistake, repentance and asking for forgiveness for the mistake, remorse and avowal not to repeat the mistake, respectively). Dada Bhagwan
The one whose ‘alochana (confession of mistakes), pratikraman (asking for forgiveness) and pratyakhyan (avowal to never repeat the mistake)’ are true (done correctly), he is bound to attain the knowledge of the Self (attain self realization). Dada Bhagwan
You have to recognize the Knowledge of the Gnanis’ [the...
You have to recognize the Knowledge of the Gnanis’ [the enlightened ones]. You have to recognize the world from the perspective of love (prem swaroop). Dada Bhagwan
Worship without ‘Gnan’ [True Knowledge] will give material pleasures in the world and worship accompanied by ‘Gnan’ [True Knowledge] is known as ‘Gnan’ [True Knowledge] which gives the result of moksha [ultimate liberation]. Dada Bhagwan
We can never have Knowledge (Gnan) without worship (bhakti). Such...
We can never have Knowledge (Gnan) without worship (bhakti). Such knowledge would be considered shushka-gnan [unproductive knowledge]. It cannot be considered True Knowledge. Dada Bhagwan
People take worship (bhakti) into the relative plane. They consider singing religious songs as worship. Worship [bhakti] can never be without knowledge (gnan). Worship will make one become the one who he worships. Dada Bhagwan
Intent of complete surrender (devotion) is worship itself. Complete surrender with (full understanding and real) knowledge is a very high level of worship. Even the surrender done with relative knowledge (ignorance of one’s own real self) can be called worship. Dada Bhagwan
The essence of the world is Sachchidanand [sat-chit-anand, eternal knowledge...
The essence of the world is Sachchidanand [sat-chit-anand, eternal knowledge and vision leads to bliss]. Dada Bhagwan
Where there is no Sachchidanand [sat-chit-anand, eternal knowledge and vision...
Where there is no Sachchidanand [sat-chit-anand, eternal knowledge and vision leading to bliss], there is night (darkness). Dada Bhagwan
In saying the word ‘Sachchidanand’ [sat-chit-anand, eternal knowledge and vision leading to bliss], it has great ‘effect’. There is an ‘effect’ even when it is said without the understanding [of it’s meaning]. When it is said with the understanding, there is tremendous benefit. Saying these words produces vibrations and everything churns. Everything is ‘Scientific’. Dada Bhagwan
It is Vitaraag vignan [the Spiritual Science of the Enlightened...
It is Vitaraag vignan [the Spiritual Science of the Enlightened Ones] to look at gain, and to see losses is the knowledge of worldly wanderings. Dada Bhagwan
Where there is lack of ‘Gnan’ (Knowledge and experience of...
Where there is lack of ‘Gnan’ (Knowledge and experience of the Self; real Knowledge) there is worldly existence and where there is ‘Gnan’ (Real Knowledge), there is no worldly existence. Dada Bhagwan
To see from all the “view points” is called ‘Gnan’ [True Knowledge]. Dada Bhagwan
Gnan’ [True Knowledge, Knowledge of one’s own self], is freedom itself. It keeps one in Moksha [liberated state] and prevents [karmic] bondage. Dada Bhagwan
Circumstances will change but (True) Knowledge [Gnan] will not change.
Circumstances will change but (True) Knowledge [Gnan] will not change. Dada Bhagwan
Where there is competition, one cannot attain (true) 'Knowledge'.
Where there is competition, one cannot attain (true) 'Knowledge'. Dada Bhagwan
That which the entire world regards as ‘mine’, it is...
That which the entire world regards as ‘mine’, it is [really] ‘not mine’; this Knowledge itself is the Self, the Soul. Dada Bhagwan
There are two types of knowledge. One is about what is right and wrong, what is helpful and harmful in this world, and the second is about the path to final Liberation (Moksha). The one who attains the knowledge about Moksha will indeed get the knowledge about what is helpful and harmful in the world. Or else, there should be saints around who know about what is helpful and harmful in this world. . Dada Bhagwan
To have seen something means it has come into one’s understanding. To have known something means it has come into one’s knowledge. There is a vast difference between ‘seeing’ and ‘knowing’. Dada Bhagwan
There are three types of talks: 1. Knowledge based talks. 2. Intellect-based talks 3. Talks void of intellect. The world is running as a result of these three types of talks. Intellectuals will find intellect-void-talks as being incorrect. Those void of intellect will find intellect based talks to be incorrect. And where there are talks with Knowledge (Gnan), there is no such thing as correct or incorrect. Dada Bhagwan
What is the definition of Gnan [true knowledge]? It is that which must be present without fail when needed. Who should be the one imparting this Knowledge? It is not acceptable coming from any ordinary person. It must be from one whose speech has power (vachanbad), so that it will be present when needed. The Gnan [Knowledge] has to present itself, otherwise the work cannot be accomplished. Dada Bhagwan
As long as one is the doer of the actions,...
As long as one is the doer of the actions, there is agnan [all other knowledge other than one’s own true self, wordly knowledge]. Agnan is the cause for the worldly life. Dada Bhagwan
This ‘Knowledge’ manifested in 1958! That day I became a...
This ‘Knowledge’ manifested in 1958! That day I became a ‘Gnani’ (the enlightened one)! The day before that, ‘I’ too was agnani (ignorant of the Self), wasn’t I? Dada Bhagwan
The ‘information’ one receives from within, shows credit [punya] and debit [paap] karmas. All the Knowledge-Vision is present within. Everything can be Known from within but only as long as you do not create obstructions. If you were to cross-over [violate] it, then the ‘information’ will stop coming through. Dada Bhagwan
The actions carried out with ignorance of the Self [agnan bhaav, ignorance intent] is all bondage. Every action done with the awareness of I am pure Soul [gnan bhaav, knowledge intent], will grant liberation. Dada Bhagwan
In the current era, to take adjustments in worldly interactions...
In the current era, to take adjustments in worldly interactions is knowledge (Gnan). One is to adjust to ‘disadjustments'. Dada Bhagwan
As long as one sees faults with the world, he...
As long as one sees faults with the world, he prevails in the knowledge of the senses. The inner purification has not yet occurred in him. Dada Bhagwan
In this world, it is a great Self-effort to deliberately...
In this world, it is a great Self-effort to deliberately remain ignorant despite knowing, right? I deliberately remain ignorant in spite of having the Knowledge. Dada Bhagwan
Ignorance’ (absence of Self-Knowledge) creates vibrations (causes) and ‘Knowledge’ (Self-Knowledge)...
Ignorance’ (absence of Self-Knowledge) creates vibrations (causes) and ‘Knowledge’ (Self-Knowledge) stops these vibrations. Dada Bhagwan
God has been pushed aside by the non- Self complex....
God has been pushed aside by the non- Self complex. Vibrations have arisen from vibrations. ‘We’ now give you the Knowledge of how to stop the vibrations. Dada Bhagwan
All the activities that are happening in this world are indeed done through the intellect; there is no need for Knowledge there. Knowledge is indeed in Knowledge (Knowing). And whatever actions are done through the intellect, the Knowledge ‘Knows’ it too. Dada Bhagwan
Every action (‘doing’) causes bondage. ‘Doing’ is not needed for Liberation. For liberation, ‘action’ of Knowledge is required. Action of ignorance [of the self] is bondage. Action done with egoism is known as ignorant-action and the action done without egoism is known as knowledge-action. Dada Bhagwan
This (Knowledge of Akram Vignan) is the ‘real’ thing and...
This (Knowledge of Akram Vignan) is the ‘real’ thing and it is the absolute truth and the absolute truth is always functional (gives results). Dada Bhagwan
What is considered [True] Knowledge? There should be solution from all sides, there should be no contradiction. It is a non-contradicting principle when a spoken sentence will be the same even after fifty years; there will be no contradictions. Dada Bhagwan
Union with [True] Knowledge is ‘Principle’ [Established Truth] and union...
Union with [True] Knowledge is ‘Principle’ [Established Truth] and union with the three [mind, speech and body] is ‘non principle’ [absence of principle]. Dada Bhagwan
Decided knowledge is not called ‘knowledge’. Decided knowledge is called...
Decided knowledge is not called ‘knowledge’. Decided knowledge is called Principle. Dada Bhagwan
Knowledge’ may be there but ‘correctness’ is required along with it. If you have ‘knowledge’ but don’t have the ‘correctness’; you will go to moksha, but others will not gain any benefit! Dada Bhagwan
What is the body complex (pudgal)? It is influx and...
What is the body complex (pudgal)? It is influx and outflow (puran-galan); it is credit and debit. And if you attain knowledge of the Soul, the Self, then you will attain Moksha (liberation). Dada Bhagwan
Circumstances can change through worldly knowledge (ignorance of the self, the Soul) and also through (true) knowledge (realization of the self). With ignorance, circumstances will bring entanglements and with (true) knowledge, circumstances will bring solutions. (True) Knowledge itself changes circumstances. Is God likely to come down and do so? Dada Bhagwan
Kashays [anger-pride-deceit-greed] will not leave by suppressing them, they go away through Gnan (Enlightened Knowledge). Dada Bhagwan
I am Chandubhai’ is an illusion itself and from that...
I am Chandubhai’ is an illusion itself and from that are karmas charged. When does ‘charging’ of new karmas stop? When one attains the exact awareness of ‘who I am?’. Dada Bhagwan
In the time before Gnan (time before 1958 when Dada Bhagwan got manifested) there was obstinacy within me. ‘I’ discovered that obstinacy does not let the light of Gnan (Eternal Knowledge) to come through. Then I saw all that obstinacy, and it was destroyed. Thereafter the Gnan (Eternal Knowledge) manifested. One has to observe one’s own self that where lies the obstinacies. The Self is an observatory itself. Dada Bhagwan
Attachment-abhorrence is the foundation for the worldly life and the...
Attachment-abhorrence is the foundation for the worldly life and the foundation for ‘Knowledge’ is a state free of all attachments (vitragta). Dada Bhagwan
In scriptures, there is knowledge about the different methods; the knowledge about the goal [to attain Pure Soul] is not there. ‘Gnani’ has the knowledge about the goal [to attain Pure Soul]. Knowledge about the goal, which is the Soul, is obtained as a result of the ‘Gnani’s’ grace. Dada Bhagwan
The scriptures are the instruments and how to use these...
The scriptures are the instruments and how to use these instruments is a science itself. One goes wandering around for infinite lives because he doesn’t have the knowledge of this science! Dada Bhagwan
This worldly knowledge is not called (Real) Knowledge. It is worldly knowledge. The scriptural knowledge is known as the instrumental knowledge. The knowledge about the goal [to attain Pure Soul] is Real ‘Knowledge’. Scriptures themselves are the instruments and the knowledge within the scriptures is also an instrument; whereas, the ‘knowledge’ of the Self is the goal [to attain Pure Soul]! . Dada Bhagwan
Knowledge that leads to restlessness (unsteadiness) is tremendous bondage.
Knowledge that leads to restlessness (unsteadiness) is tremendous bondage. Dada Bhagwan
Knowledge (Gnan) is not attained first first the ego departs.
Knowledge (Gnan) is not attained first first the ego departs. Dada Bhagwan
To know ‘as it is’ is Real Knowledge (Gnan). Dada Bhagwan
That which cures all worldly miseries, is called ‘Scientific’ Knowledge.
That which cures all worldly miseries, is called ‘Scientific’ Knowledge. Dada Bhagwan
Knowledge of all living beings of the entire world is in only one Soul. But the knowledge that sees the ego and everything, as objects to be known (gneya); only that knowledge is called as the ‘Knowledge’. However, that is partial Knowledge but only from that moment it is regarded as real applied focused awareness. Where there is Knowledge, the focused applied awareness may be partial or complete. . Dada Bhagwan
Complete focused applied awareness of the Soul (shuddha upayog) is...
Complete focused applied awareness of the Soul (shuddha upayog) is considered absolute Knowledge (keval gnan). Dada Bhagwan
Infinite knowledge, infinite vision, infinite energy of the Soul is...
Infinite knowledge, infinite vision, infinite energy of the Soul is in the same state even today. The Soul has never been a sinner. The Soul is absolutely pure. Dada Bhagwan
To know ‘who I am and who I am not’...
To know ‘who I am and who I am not’ is called Absolute knowledge (Gnan). Dada Bhagwan
Without ‘Gnan’ (True Knowledge of the Self), desire(s) will not...
Without ‘Gnan’ (True Knowledge of the Self), desire(s) will not go away. Dada Bhagwan
Acceptance of ignorance (of reality) is the true knowledge path.
Acceptance of ignorance (of reality) is the true knowledge path. Dada Bhagwan