3 Quotes About Swami Vivekananda

It was the spring of 1883, and a twenty-two-year-old Indian named Vivekananda had just completed a silent retreat. While he was off in a corner of the temple, he suddenly stood up and announced to his friends that he had a revelation: “I have seen God.” For a moment, the crowd stood in stunned silence. How could this man know God? Then Vivekananda began to explain what he had seen: “I saw an infinite ocean of light beyond which there was nothing but darkness. This ocean is God Read more

I fished with hook and line from that ocean and pulled out one pearl after another—the whole secret of life.”

Education is the manifestation of perfection already existing in man.
Education is the manifestation of perfection already existing in man. Swami Vivekananda
A profound impression was created by the discourses of Professor GN Chakravarti and Mrs Besant, who is said to have risen to unusual heights of eloquence, so exhilarating were the influences of the gathering. Besides those who represented our society and religions, especially Vivekananda, VR Gandhi, Dharmapala, captivated the public, who had only heard of Indian people through the malicious reports of interested missionaries, and were now astounded to see before them and hear men who represented the ideal of spirituality and human perfectibility as taught in their respective sacred writings. Henry Olcott