13 Quotes About Sum

We all have that one friend, relative, or co-worker who is just so darn annoying that we would love to strangle them. The old saying “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” certainly applies to these people. Here are a few funny and witty quotes to help you avoid becoming a true annoyance yourself.

ONE BUT MANYOne God, many faces. One family, many races. One truth, many paths. One heart, many complexions. One light, many reflections. One world, many imperfections. O N E. We are all one, But many. Suzy Kassem
The fact that you have a large sum of money in your wallet does not remove your responsibility from you before God to be involved in a ministry in the body of Christ Sunday Adelaja
As the world continually multiplies, are we in a generation where people are divided, or people are equal? Anthony Liccione
Someone. Everyone. Anyone. No-one. One. One can't be everyone, but there isn't more than one everyone, at the same time. And at the same time no-one can't be someone, but anyone can be one, and also anyone can be a no-one. To sum up - everyone is someone, and any-one becomes a no-one if you divide the one part long enough by every part of every-one, so in conclusion, I have no idea what I’m talking about, basically. Will Advise
To hate man and worship God seems to be the sum of all the creeds. Robert G. Ingersoll
Dream × Vision × Time(sacrifices) × Work(persistence) = SuccessIf you miss any of them, remember any sum/number multiplied by zero is = 0Like·Comment·Share Unarine Ramaru
The algebraic sum of all the transformations occurring in a cyclical process can only be positive, or, as an extreme case, equal to no Rudolf Clausius
The Lord's prayer contains the sum total of religion and morals. Arthur Wellesley
History is the sum total of things that could have been avoided. Konrad Adenauer
Even when they're not causing injury, human-controlled cars are often driven inefficiently, ineptly, antisocially, or in other ways additive to the sum of human misery. Tom Chatfield
Life is a series of collisions with the future; it is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be. Unknown
Success is the sum of details. Harvey S. Firestone