4 Quotes About Strong Woman Heroine

This kiss was different from the first one under the olive tree. That one had been unplanned, she was pretty sure. This kiss had intention and hunger branded all over it. It was like one of those kisses you read about in fairy tales–but Alana had never imagined that such a kiss could cause bone-trembling shivers as well as bliss. She’d never considered the downside of the awakening kiss, of how the princess felt when the hero tore through the thorns or scaled the tower and speared heat and sex and life-changing energy into the princess’s world. Pamela Aares
Any male who uses brutality on a weaker female who has no chance of defense is a coward. Laurann Dohner
I am Serene-Heart-in-the-Chaos-of-Battle. Keep a civil tongue in your head or lose it Sarah Rees Brennan