4 Quotes About Steroid

We all know that steroids can do many things. They can build muscle mass, increase strength, and help you win competitions. But there are so many negative side effects of taking steroids. One of the most dangerous effects is called "roid rage." This can cause people to become aggressive, angry, violent, or in some cases even kill the person they are mad at Read more

These quotes about steroids in sports will help you understand how steroids can affect your body and mind in a positive or negative way.

Fear is my mind painstakingly creating the worse-case scenario and...
Fear is my mind painstakingly creating the worse-case scenario and then putting it on steroids. Craig D. Lounsbrough
I'm so out of shape I take steroids just to watch sports. Randy Kagan
Steroids can seem necessary to compete at the highest levels, and the quick rewards can outweigh the long term consequences to the user's health. Howard Berman