9 Quotes About Soundtrack

If you’re ever stuck for something to listen to, the below collection of quotes on music will be a godsend. From classic classics, to modern classics, and everything in between, this list of quotes about music will be sure to get you pumped and rolling along. Whether you like your music with a touch of class or a certified rage face, we’ve got it all.

The movies, I thought, have got the soundtrack to war all wrong. War isn't rock 'n' roll. It's got nothing to do with Jimi Hendrix or Richard Wagner. War is nursery rhymes and early Madonna tracks. War is the music from your childhood. Because war, when it's not making you kill or be killed, turns you into an infant. For the past eight days, I'd been living like a five-year-old – a nonexistence of daytime naps, mushy food, and lavatory breaks. My adult life was back in Los Angeles with my dirty dishes and credit card bills. Chris Ayres
Society, you're a crazy breed. Eddie Vedder
The Dave Matthews Band’s “Crash into Me” played over the montage, not that the lyrics had anything to do with the images the song was played over but it was “haunting”, it was “moody”, it was “summing things up”, it gave the footage an “emotional resonance” that I guess we were incapable of capturing ourselves. At first my feelings were basically so what? But then I suggested other music: “Hurt” by Nine Inch Nails, but I was told that the rights were sky-high and that the song was “too ominous” for this sequence; Nada Surf’s “Popular” had “too many minor chords”, it didn’t fit the “mood of the piece, ” it was — again — “too ominous.” When I told them I seriously did not think things could get any more fucking ominous than they already were, I was told, “Things get very much more ominous, Victor, ” and then I was left alone. Bret Easton Ellis
Even though we've devoted our lives to music, we both know that the most important things happen without a soundtrack. Ibi Kaslik
....harmony that would fittingly imitate the utterances and accents of a brave man who is engaged in warfare or in any enforced business, and who, when he has failed […] confronts fortune with steadfast endurance and repels her strokes Plato
Music is not my life. My life is music. Criss Jami
To the left, just past the painting, on the other side of the hall, is the bathroom, the sort of open door that if cameras found it as they passed through the house in a horror movie would trigger a blast of synthesizers. John Darnielle
Music is the soundtrack of your life. Dick Clark