59 Quotes About Son

The relationships between fathers and sons are among the most important in a family. A father’s love, guidance, and protection are essential to the son’s development into a man. Obviously, the relationship between a father and his child is very different from that of a child to his mother, but these quotes about sons are here to show that the bond between father and son can be just as strong.

I know enough to know that no woman should ever...
I know enough to know that no woman should ever marry a man who hated his mother. Martha Gellhorn
I lost my father this past year, and the word...
I lost my father this past year, and the word feels right because I keep looking for him. As if he were misplaced. As if he could just turn up, like a sock or a set of keys. Mark Slouka
Many writers, especially male ones, have told us that it is the decease of the father which opens the prospect of one's own end, and affords an unobstructed view of the undug but awaiting grave that says 'you're next.' Unfilial as this may seem, that was not at all so in my own case. It was only when I watched Alexander [my own son] being born that I knew at once that my own funeral director had very suddenly, but quite unmistakably, stepped onto the stage. I was surprised by how calmly I took this, but also by how reluctant I was to mention it to my male contemporaries. Christopher Hitchens
How to raise sons who respect women: Never give them...
How to raise sons who respect women: Never give them the opportunity to see you disrespect yourself. Alfa H
You can know a thing to death and be for all purposes completely ignorant of it. A man can know his father, or his son, and there might still be nothing between them but loyalty and love and mutual incomprehension. Marilynne Robinson
The wisdom of God and the knowledge of His spiritual...
The wisdom of God and the knowledge of His spiritual principles are accessible to the sons of God Sunday Adelaja
People wishes their friends to be in politics, but their...
People wishes their friends to be in politics, but their sons in professions. Amit Kalantri
How easily such a thing can become a mania, how the most normal and sensible of women once this passion to be thin is upon them, can lose completely their sense of balance and proportion and spend years dealing with this madness. Kathryn Hurn
I think people need to recognize that those of us who have been so much influenced by violence in the media- in particular pornographic violence- are not some kinds of inherent monsters. We are your sons, and we are your husbands. And we grew up in regular families. James C. Dobson
As he grew older, which was mostly in my absence, my firstborn son, Alexander, became ever more humorous and courageous. There came a time, as the confrontation with the enemies of our civilization became more acute, when he sent off various applications to enlist in the armed forces. I didn't want to be involved in this decision either way, especially since I was being regularly taunted for not having 'sent' any of my children to fight in the wars of resistance that I supported. (As if I could 'send' anybody, let alone a grown-up and tough and smart young man: what moral imbeciles the 'anti-war' people have become.). Christopher Hitchens
The path leading to stability is always opened to the sons of God Sunday Adelaja
The sons of God are different because they are givers, just like their Heavenly father Sunday Adelaja
My daughter and two sons are the flowers in my heart and garden. Ana Monnar
She also understood there was a hole in her heart where her son should be, that she was a wicked, selfish woman for wishing him back. Shannon Celebi
Have a little faith in your sons. This journey will be the making of them. C.J. Milbrandt
Let your boys test their wings. They may not be eagles, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't soar free. C.J. Milbrandt
Her family had of late been exceedingly fluctuating. For many years of her life she had had two sons; but the crime and annihilation of Edward a few weeks ago, had robbed her of one; the similar annihilation of Robert had left her for a fortnight without any; and now, by the resurrection of Edward, she had one again. Jane Austen
Mothers are inscrutable beings to their sons, always. ("The Higgler") A.E. Coppard
Neither father nor son moved, but stayed face to face for hours and hours, neither looking away nor surrendering, until the sun finished its daily pilgrimage, for no day is so long that it is not ended by nightfall. Rabih Alameddine
You can deny him, he thought, watching his father across the table. You can hate him, love him, pity him, never speak to or look at him in the eye again, never deign even to be in his crabbed and bitter presence, but you're still stuck with the son of a bitch. One way or another he'll always be your daddy, not even all-powerful death was going to change that. Ben Fountain
This is for the kids who know that the worst kind of fear isn't the thing that makes you scream, but the one that steals your voice and keeps you silent. Abby Norman
Believe in yourselves as sons and daughters of God, men and women with unlimited potential to do good in the world. Believe in personal virtue. There is no substitute for it anywhere under the. heavens. Believe in your power to discipline yourselves against the evils which could destroy you. Believe in one another as the greatest generation ever yet to live upon the earth. Gordon B. Hinckley
God is in desperate search for those sons he could send to the world of sports to rule and manage it for him Sunday Adelaja
On this Mother's Day and every day before and after, I thank you God for the precious gift of my three children. I love them unconditionally. Ana Monnar
Just that sons and fathers Are like mirrors and daughters are soft Unknown
I struggle to discover what these silent sons of mine want, but words have always failed me. They are sullen even as they tell me they are okay. I know they are lying but there is nothing I can do. Jinat Rehana Begum
Let truth be told. The more we allow water to be controlled, bottled and sold – the more we sell the security of our sons, daughters and souls. He who controls the water, controls us all. Water is the true gold. Suzy Kassem
The "new" Anglo-American feminist theory argues that too little mothering, and, in particular, the absence of mother-son connection, is what engenders both sexism and traditional masculinity in men. (..) This perspective positions mothering as central to feminist politics in its insistence that true and lasting gender equality will occur only when boys are raised as the sons of mothers. As the early feminist script of mother-son connection required the denial of the mother's power and the displacement of her identity as mother, the new perspective affirms the maternal and celebrates mother-son connection. In this, it rewrites the patriarchal and early feminist narrative to give (..) voice and presence to the mother and make mother-son connection central to the redesign of both traditional masculinity and the larger patriarchal culture. . Andrea OReilly
DESTINY (Determined Effort So Tanacious It Negates Yuck) Frank Chase Jr.
Dad had once said, Trust your mind, Rob. If it smells like shit but has writing across it that says Happy Birthday and a candle stuck down in it, what is it? Is there icing on it? he'd said. Dad had done that thing of squinting his eyes when an answer was not quite there yet. George Saunders
Believe in the sacred word of God, the Holy Bible, with its treasury of inspiration and sacred truth; in the Book of Mormon as a testimony of the living Christ. Believe in the Church as the organization which the God of Heaven established for the blessing of His sons and daughters of all generations of time. Gordon B. Hinckley
I wanted to ask my father about his regrets. I wanted to ask him what was the worst thing he'd ever done. His greatest sin. I wanted to ask him if there was any reason why the Catholic Church would consider him for sainthood. I wanted to open up his dictionary and find the definitions for faith, hope, goodness, sadness, tomato, son, mother, husband, virginity, Jesus, wood, sacrifice, pain, foot, wife, thumb, hand, bread, and sex. "Do you believe in God?" I asked my father." God has lots of potential, " he said." When you pray, " I asked him. "What do you pray about?"" That's none of your business, " he said. We laughed. We waited for hours for somebody to help us. What is an Indian? I lifted my father and carried him across every border. . Sherman Alexie
God is looking for sons to send to the world of business to manage it for him. Sunday Adelaja
James Altucher reminds me for Stephen King... when is about Stephen King his 2 sons, probably the one or no, no both they look like him. Deyth Banger
That was when the world wasn't so big and I could see everywhere. It was when my father was a hero and not a human. Markus Zusak
I complained to a friend that although I had completed six years in therapy, my mother still wouldn’t let me go. He replied, "She’s not supposed to let you go. Your father is supposed to come and get you. Don Elium
Good wombs have borne bad sons."-- (Miranda, I:2) William Shakespeare
Our era has produced many great men--- robber barons, masters of innovation, beast of business---whose staggering wealth, incomparable ruthlessness and personal legends would seem to prove they are dominant species but then one has a look at their son, and doubts the theory of evolution entirely. -DR. Bertrand Legmam Cooper, Problems of Science and Society, Posted by One Who Has Known Both, 1900 Anna Godbersen
I'm so proud of you that it makes me proud of me. I hope you know that. John Green
We are sons of God, called to reveal God, to make him visible on this earth Sunday Adelaja
His manners are old-fashioned, the work of a vigilant mother. Rumaan Alam
Motherhood can be seen as a political act. (...) when adressed, disconnections can become opportunities (...) Even when sons seem to be disinterested (...), a mother's efforts are extremely important. This is how we continue to build relationship with sons. Unknown
I give praise and honor to the Holy one of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob for the blessing of motherhood. Emunah Ysrael
When I was born, my mother dressed me as a boy because she could not afford to feed any more daughters. By the mystic laws of gender and economics, it ruins a peasant to place half a bowl of figs in front of his daughter, while his son may gorge on the whole tree, burn it for firewood and piss on the stump, and still be reckoned a blessing to his father. Jeanette Winterson
Xavier, you have given me more grey hairs than all my sons put together.’ Saul frowned, then corrected himself. ‘To be fair, you and Zed. Just try not to add to them tonight. Joss Stirling
I became a marine mom with the signing of a paper, but it would take a phone call, late one night, for me to fully absorb the impact this new title would have on my life. Diana Mankin Phelps
[Eddie] wondered if every criminal saw himself as the hero of his own story and if every thankless son was convinced he'd been mistreated by his father. Alice Hoffman
When Jack Burns needed to hold his mother's hand, his fingers could see in the dark. John Irving
Most young men are such bores. They haven't lived long enough to learn that they are not the wonders to the world they are to their mothers. L.m. Montgomery
Mothers see the angel in us because the angel is there. If it's shown to the mother, the son has got an angel to show, hasn't he? When a son cuts somebody's throat the mother only sees it's possible for a misguided angel to act like a devil - and she's entirely right about that! Booth Tarkington
She never called her son by any name but John; 'love' and 'dear', and such like terms, were reserved for Fanny. Elizabeth Gaskell
My mother described her reactions better than I ever could mine: she said she was "surprised with thunder" that her boy had come back, and that the happiness in her heart was "as deep as the sea". Saroo Brierley
The way I saw the world changed in an instant. My eyes were opened to a need in this country that was just beginning to be recognized. The floodgates were opened, and our battle-injured warriors filled our military hospitals. Diana Mankin Phelps
Auntie Wu took special pride in two of her accomplishments--the sons she bore and the flowers she grew. They were equally useless, but the flowers smelled better. Kay Honeyman
We are all fools with our sons. We wipe them and suckle them and all we expect is for them to be grateful to the end of their days. Conn Iggulden
In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons. Herodotus
We've begun to raise daughters more like sons... but few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters. Gloria Steinem
Rich men's sons are seldom rich men's fathers. Herbert Kaufman