54 Quotes About Mm

History is filled with great men and women whose lives changed the world. Take a look at the collection of inspiring, funny, and wise quotes of the greatest men of all time. Some of these quotes are by historical figures like Gandhi, Mandela, Churchill, and Lincoln. Others are by today’s best-known people like Oprah, Oprah Winfrey, and Abraham Lincoln Read more

There are also quotes by more unknown famous people who have done great things, like Amelia Earhart.

Peter to Austin:
Peter to Austin:"Hard-ons don't make you think less. They make you think stupid. Which makes me think you must have one 24/7. Dani Alexander
If money’s the god people worship, I’d rather go worship the devil instead. Jess C. Scott
Love. He recoiled from the very idea. He knew all about love: love was following his best friend around school like a lost puppy, putting up with all manner of shit just to be near him. Love was sobbing himself to sleep night after endless night because the guy who’d taken his virginity hadn’t called him back. Love was a thousand shattered dreams and a flood of memories that made him cringe. Love could fuck off. Kate Aaron
Ancient Chinese proverb, ” he said, heading toward the kitchen.“...
Ancient Chinese proverb, ” he said, heading toward the kitchen.“ He who butt-fucks all night wakes up with sore asshole. Brad Boney
The longest piece of literature I've read lately was a...
The longest piece of literature I've read lately was a tattoo on this biker I picked up last night. It said, If you're this close, you've gotta suck it. Eric Arvin
He faced Doug. His eyes were wet. "I am not one of your tricks, Douglas.""Of course, you're not."" That's what I feel like tonight, seeing you in there with all those bodies. One of a thousand nights. One of a thousand fucks. And fuck you for making me feel this way. And fuck you again for making me say fuck in this beautiful place. Eric Arvin
He cupped her face and held her still, as he looked into her brown eyes; she was all flash and no bang. She talked big, but when it came down to it, she was a simple girl. Elaine White
This was a great idea; he needed to go into tonight knowing that this was the last time he would ever be with Barry. He needed to savour it and enjoy it, to lock it tight in his memories, so that he would never forget how it felt to be with him. This would be his final goodbye.~ A Case of the Ex Elaine White
Get your sticky fingers away from my cookies, ” Ben ordered, without turning his head, to see Jaxton trying to steal one from the cooking tray.“ You weren't saying that last night, ” Jaxton retaliated, coming up to Ben's side, to give him a nudge. They were both smiling, while looking down at the counter, where Ben was making his delicious rosemary cookies. “In fact, I seem to remember you grabbing my sticky fingers and putting them in your mouth, ” he teased, speaking quietly, so that Lyon wouldn't hear them at the other side of the room. Ben turned to Jaxton and abandoned his baking, to catch his face in flour covered hands and plant a deep kiss on his lips. Jaxton opened his mouth, in acceptance of his kiss.~ From the Heart . Elaine White
Jaxton smiled and caught his hand, holding it tight in both of his. “Are you burnt out? Is it all too much?” he asked, getting straight to the root of the matter, in one go.“ Yes, ” he sighed, hating that it was true.“ Then you'll stay home.”“ You know I can't. It's impossible, ” Roman complained about the unfairness of it all. He was due to return to the studio in two days times, to finalise the tracks he'd recorded yesterday. Then he had to sit down with Jalen next week, to pick out a new piece of his artwork for the next album cover. And two weeks after that, he had three interviews with three different music channels, to film.“ Try telling that to Ben.” Jaxton winked at him, then ducked down to kiss him.~ From the Heart . Elaine White
Chocolate makes everything better, in the end, ” he announced, and Thayer fully agreed. Thayer gave him a smile of gratitude and watched Castel lift his spoon from the saucer. He dipped it, gracefully, into his coffee and gave it a light stir.“ Too many people rush to stir such delicate flavours. Take too long and they will clog together to become a lump of bitterness in your coffee. But take your time and be gentle with them, ” Castel explained, quietly, “and they will create a symphony of flavours, to melt in your mouth, ” he said, leaning down, just until his nose was over his cup, to take a long inhale. He smiled and straightened, extracting the spoon to place it back on his saucer. “Now try it.” Thayer took a sip and almost felt his toes curl at the luxurious taste.~ Cinnamon Kiss. Elaine White
He was getting undressed and it snapped something inside of him that had been drawing taut, ready to break for months.“ I'm hungry, Bruno, ” he said, in a soft voice, as he removed the shirt from his broad shoulders, revealing a perfect sight of smooth dark skin. “I can't wait for dinner, ” he continued, with a smile. When he put his hands to the fastening of his trousers, Bruno let out a sigh and put the take out menus on the counter. He couldn't look at him, because he knew Lyon was trying to seduce him on purpose. He didn't want to talk or hear him out or spend time with him that didn't end with an orgasm.“ I can't do this anymore, ” Bruno confessed, quietly. Elaine White
Jaxton met his gaze for just a second, then scowled and turned away. The recognition in that look was painful; years of recollections and long forgottenemotions buzzed through his brain. Ashamed of the flare of attraction he'd just allowedhimself, he turned away and faked a smile. Elaine White
Jaxton hadn't changed, but he had. Maybe his old crush still hated him, but it shouldn'tmatter anymore. It didn't matter anymore. He was older, wiser and he had moved on. Jaxtonwas nothing more than an old high school crush. Elaine White
Jaxton hadn't changed, but he had. Maybe his old crush still hated him, but it shouldn't matter anymore. It didn't matter anymore. He was older, wiser and he had moved on. Jaxton was nothing more than an old high school crush. Elaine White
I remember him. Jaxton only knew I existed long enough to take the piss out of me. He certainly never liked me.” Roman sighed, giving his side of the story, though it was a slantedone. Only three people knew the real story; him, Jaxton and Ben, and it was far from the tale of bully and victim that Jaxton kept telling people.“ Yeah, that's what he said, ” Thayer agreed, with a laugh. Roman wasn't even surprised. Disappointed, but never surprised. Elaine White
Jaxton couldn't get his mind to settle on one thought, as he stared at the ground. Roman was here, after all these years. He was just a few steps away from him, talking and flirting with Thayer, as if the last six years had been nothing. Where had he been? Why did he leave? Why didn't he tell him where he was going, and why had he run off, without a word? Unable to focus his thoughts, he pushed them aside and ignored them. It was easier to pretend they didn't exist, than to face what they really meant. Elaine White
Even after six years, he was still turned on by the bastard, still desperate to kiss his lips and see how it felt to kiss him into submission, until he saw him as more than a loser geek. He wanted to taste his tongue, to touch his abs and stroke his cock; do all the things that it was so wrong to want to do to him. Wrong because of Ben, because of his love for Ben, because he barely knew Jaxton, back then and now. What the hell was wrong with him?. Elaine White
Are you watching the boats?" Cornelia guessed. She craned her neck to see if there was any excitement on the river. Heavens no, I'm spying on people, " Virginia responded unrepentantly.- Cornelia E and Virginia Somerset Lesley M.M. Blume
It had been a shitty night, so it was fitting that it should end with rain. He closed his eyes and lay where he was, ready for it to stop. The rain, the cold, the pain, the aches, the blood choking the back of his throat, the metallic taste on his tongue. He wanted an off switch to his life; to get it over with. There wasn't much point fighting; he didn't have anything to fight for. He had his family and Levi, but something in his heart said that wasn't enough anymore. He didn't want to be alone. . Elaine White
Tam let his hand drop to his neck and slowly circled his fingers around it. It was a free, gentle touch and Casen knew that if he asked him not to, he would remove his hand and nothing would change. He couldn't get the words out; it wasn't the touch he had a problem with, it was the far away look in Tam's eyes that said he wasn't in the room anymore. The look that suggested he was lying on the ground, as the rain fell in buckets and a stranger knelt over him, trying to keep him awake. Casen blinked and looked away, as the urge to cry for that lost look threatened. Elaine White
Tam looked scared, swallowing and wrapping his hands around Casen's. He slowly cupped his wrists and pulled his hands away. Then he turned to the door and unlocked it. Casen expected to have it shut in his face or be told that he'd crossed a line. After all, he didn't know Tam and he'd stupidly given him an ultimatum after meeting just a few hours ago. What had he been thinking?“ Are you coming in?” Tam asked quietly, staring at his hands as he twirled his key. Casen crossed the threshold and reminded himself he was lucky; he could so easily have been turned away. Yet, when he turned to apologise for presuming too much, Tam was right in front of him and the door was closed. Before he could ask what was running through his head, Tam cupped his face, lightly caressing his cheek. It was soft and tender, identical to the look in his eyes. It was too much; Casen closed his eyes and leaned into the touch, tentatively raising his own hand to hold Tam there. It wasn't a kiss, but it was damned close. Elaine White
You let this become a mess, ” he cursed, as though he'd walked up to Tam and asked him to be drop dead gorgeous and vulnerable, just so that he would have his first guy crush.“ I didn't let anything happen. I just…felt it. I think he feels it too, ” he argued, trying to talk sense into him. Why was this a bad thing? Konnor didn't have anything to do with Tam anymore, so why did it matter?“ Oh God. You're in serious shit now, ” Mack bemoaned, rolling his eyes and rubbing his forehead. Elaine White
Grayson Dashwood.Those two words had just ruined what was turning into a good morning. Elaine White
He thought he could remove the Tam-façade that he put on, to convince people that he was bulletproof and strong. That was a lie, and if he expected to get through this break up, he would have to put that mask back on and toughen up. Elaine White
Tam let out a ragged breath, as he fought to reign his emotions back, while the realisation sank in. He was nothing. To Konnor. To Giovanni. To everyone. He was invisible. Elaine White
With you I feel like I'm already good enough; I only have to believe it. I can't lose you again.” He needed to make the confession because he was realising that Lachlan meant as much to him nowas he always had.“ I know.” Lachlan smiled at him and stopped in their walk to draw him into his arms. Konnor went willingly, clinging onto him. This was exactly how they had said goodbye. It felt like the perfect way to make a promise to always be friends again.“ I love you, Konnor, ” Lachlan whispered in his ear.“ I love you too. If I ever try to hurt you again, lock me up, shoot me, do whatever you have to do…but don't send me away, ” he begged him never to separate them again. Elaine White
Gray, ” he whispered in his ear. Grayson moaned softly in return.“ I'm here for you. I exist only for you. Tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it. Elaine White
Konnor wanted to touch and taste him, and take him to the point of ecstasy where he couldn't even remember his own name. And Grayson was more than willing to let him do that.“ Yes, that too.” He smiled, as if he found his surprise amusing. He leaned forward until their lips were inches from each other and whispered, “Anything. Elaine White
Konnor said a silent prayer and made his move. He slid his hand over the curve of Grayson's neck and took the gigantic leap into the unknown. He kissed him. A few braincells died the moment Grayson kissed him back. Then a few more, when those perfect lips he'd been admiring for the last six months opened beneath his kiss. He kissed Grayson the way he'd always wanted to kiss him, teasing those parted lips with a lick of appreciation before slipping his tongue into his mouth. A tongue brushed his and he moaned at the little shots of pleasure that coursed through his whole body. Kissing Grayson was better than any sex with Tam. Just as he'd always known it would be. He had always found kissing to be such an intimate thing, so delicious and nerve shattering. No physical thing could say what a kiss could; not in his mind. Elaine White
I will grant you one wish, for your birthday. Anything at all, except sex.” “Wait…what?”“You heard me. So what do you want?” Grayson questioned, keeping calm about the whole thing. Konnor thought those words over in his head again. He was literally telling him he could do what he wanted with him, as a birthday treat, as long as they didn't sleep together.“ Wait a minute. Are you saying that if I wanted to…” he asked, but found that he didn't want to embarrass Grayson by saying it. His eyes went there any way. They focused on his crotch withoutshame, wondering if he would get to remove clothes.“ Yes, ” he nodded.“ And you'd let me? Why?” he asked, too stunned to do anything else but ask.“ Because it's not your fault I'm straight. And it's not your fault you're attracted to me. If I can't give you everything you want I can at least give you a birthday to remember, right?” Grayson smiled. Konnor felt like kissing him so hard he wouldn't be straight any more. Elaine White
Konnor bit his lip and arched into his touch, opening his eyes to his words.“ No matter how cruel I am to you, resisting what's between us, you always know when I need you the most, ” he explained quietly. “I needed you desperately and you gave me the most incredible pleasure. And when I tried to hide from you…when I thought you didn't want me…you showed me how wrong I was.” Grayson smiled as Konnor grasped his hair and dragged him down into a scorching kiss. He was more than happy to comply with his demands, since he wanted nothing more than to fade into him and make them one person. . Elaine White
I won't let him come between us, Konnor, ” Grayson promised, refusing to let go. “I feel so close to you…more than best friends. It's like we're soul mates. You're the part of me that I've always been missing. And he'll have to kill me to get me away from you, ” he swore, unknowingly cementing his place in Konnor's heart with the words. He felt exactly the same. Elaine White
There comes a point where you become tired of the loneliness and need a human touch, a caress to make you realize you still exist as a person. Felice Stevens
Now do you understand why I'm interested in you? You're a locked door, sweetheart. You give no one a key and you never answer the door when anyone knocks.. Ah, but sometimes, sometimes I get a peek through the keyhole and what I find there.. It's like glimpsing you as you're stripping. Underneath all of that darkness is something hungry, something desperate, something, oh, so deliciously vulnerable. Tricia Owens
It's what he needs, and whether he ever admits it to us or not, it's what he loves" - Theoden (From Commanded:House of Theoden) Nicholas Bella
If I want to 'f' a guy, I want to 'f' a guy. S.E. Jakes
If I want to fuck a guy, I want to fuck a guy. S.E. Jakes
Chase grabbed Joey’s neck and hauled him into a kiss. Oh shit. Not again. It didn’t matter how many times it had been wrong, he still wanted to believe it. Wanted to believe it when he kissed a guy and everything inside said him. It had been wrong about Mark and Noah and Jorge and Tom and the whole list going right back to kissing Eduardo under the bleachers in tenth grade. Or maybe before. When he’d been three and told his mom he was going to marry his best friend Cody. K.A. Mitchell
Anders looked up and saw Rik’s chocolate eyes. Even though they were brown, a closer look revealed a blue corona around the dark, almost mahogany brown irises. He’d seen a piece of agate like that once on a dig; a perfect marriage of brown and blue in the depths of a broken stone. Caraway Carter
I reached for his other hand, which he quickly accepted and I pulled him up into a hug. I didn't know what the other kids in the room were thinking or saying or doing. And I didn't care. I had Jamie in my arms, and that was all the mattered. Madison Parker
He pumped me as if there was no tomorrow Jack Scarborough
His legs may have been firmly rooted to the study floor, but his heart had just leaped the stile and was running down the lane. Victoria Sue
Their love was so forbidden that their very touch could wrap a hangman's noose around them. Victoria Sue
Well helloooo, Big Ben, ” Tim purred, still holding Ben’s hand in his. “It’s mighty neighborly of you to drop by. If you’re ever in need of some sugar, feel free to knock on my back door. I’d be happy to fit you in. A.J. Ridges
Justin wandered over to the big fir between the coach house and his studio, and began freeing the new growth from their rust colored casings.“ Why do you do that?” I walked around kitten’s nose, and came up behind him.“ So they have a few more days in the sun.”“ Is that why you keep trying to save me? So I have a few more days in the s Tara Spears
Day drag." Ashley answered simply. "The sun turns vampires into dust and drag queens into this." He motioned with his hand down his body. Kyle Adams
Madness. That’s what it was. And I could no longer contain it. Melanie Harlow
I’m not a serpent, Father. I’m a crow. Eli Easton
(Seth) “So, ” he said, looking me up and down, “you’re what the fuss was all about. I can’t say I’m impressed.” He sneered at me. “Still riding bulls, cowboy?”( Weber) “Nope.” I smirked at him. “I only ride his cock now. Mary Calmes
Honey, are you being safe?'' I wear my seat belt, yes.'' Does this Rob Lovely wear a seat belt too?' Matty sighed. 'Mother, seat belts should be worn at all times when in a moving vehicle. Didn't you teach me that?'' So long as we're both talking about condoms here, then I'll leave it.'' Consider it left. Leta Blake
(Matty) 'I'm going to a corn maze.'( Elliot) 'Oh, bitch. You've lost your ever-loving mind. Leta Blake
Fuck, you’ve been to the sex store.”“ Sure have.” Josh held up a plastic bag. “Man, that was fun. And by fun, I mean seriously fucking creepy... Lana McGregor