41 Quotes About Small Business

We’ve put together some short, inspirational quotes meant to encourage small business owners. Whether you’re just getting started or have been in the game for a few years, these quotes will get you pumped up and ready to take on the world!

To help small business owners get the cash they deserve...
To help small business owners get the cash they deserve for their business needs. Call Me 4 Cash at 1-833-Me4-Cash Or Apply Today at 1833Me4Cash.com Ken Poirot
You have to actively listen to your clients and provide...
You have to actively listen to your clients and provide the service they’re looking for! John Di Lemme
Marketers are focused and sales people are scattered!
Marketers are focused and sales people are scattered! Johd Di Lemme
What kind of impression are you leaving on people? Activate...
What kind of impression are you leaving on people? Activate the ability for your first impression and last impression! John Di Lemme
...when women gain control over spending, less family money is...
...when women gain control over spending, less family money is devoted to instant gratification and more for education and starting small businesses. Sheryl WuDunn
Sell the results, not the nuts and bolts. Richie Norton
Money without meaning is meaningless Josh Bezoni
With a strong personal brand, you become the only option in the eyes of your ideal customer. Amber Hurdle
RULE #1Market your business to the customer YOU WANT.Most beauty businesses try to be everything to everyone. It's exhausting and expensive promoting yourself to everyone. Most people simply give up. Focus on the customers you really want. What is your passion, what do you excel in? Who is your ideal customer? What would you ideally like to do every day in your business? Focus on what you want to do and the clients you want, and market directly to them and only them. Jana Elston
What are you doing to serve your customers a little more every day? John Di Lemme
Commitment shows up before results do! John Di Lemme
Time is your most valuable currency! John Di Lemme
Convenience will put you out of business! John Di Lemme
Your brand is a combination of a customer’s experiences with your business at every touchpoint. Each memory, thought, impression, website visit, story, sales letter, social media post, event, phone call, and transaction contribute toyour company’s brand reputation. Elaine Fogel
Profit isn’t and shouldn’t be the mission of business. The mission of business is to help people. To help your customers, your co-workers, your employees, and your partners. Success is not a number – it’s not X dollars or Y customers – it’s a measurement of VALUE. Fran Tarkenton
If leadership is the way forward, vision is its walking stick. Nkem Paul
The goal is to build a profitable business, not maintain an expensive hobby that will leave you in the poorhouse. Dawn Fotopulos
If you don’t have regular and accurate financial statements, you’re driving your business 100 miles an hour down a one-way street the wrong way, at night, in the fog, without lights. Jim Blasingame
The code-of-ethics playlist:o Treat your colleagues, family, and friends with respect, dignity, fairness, and courtesy.o Pride yourself in the diversity of your experience and know that you have a lot to offer.o Commit to creating and supporting a world that is free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.o Have balance in your life and help others to do the same.o Invest in yourself, achieve ongoing enhancement of your skills, and continually upgrade your abilities.o Be approachable, listen carefully, and look people directly in the eyes when speaking.o Be involved, know what is expected from you, and let others know what is expected from them.o Recognize and acknowledge achievement.o Celebrate, relive, and communicate your successes on an ongoing basis. Lorii Myers
Why help make big companies bigger when you can get the same thing from the little guy and actually help someone accomplish their dream? Trevor D. Richardson
Many small businesses are doomed from day one, not from competition or the economy, but from the ignorance of their owners .. . their destiny is already decided because they have no idea how a business should be operated. William Manchee
There are few experiences in life as painful and brutal as the failure of a small business. For a small business conceived and nurtured by its owner is like a living, breathing child. Its loss is no less traumatic than losing a loved one. William Manchee
Don’t get me wrong. Government Contracting is difficult, but the help you give the government makes our country strong. Linda Rawson
Every small business has to become a publisher–a publisher of marketing messages and customer resources, and a publisher of stories. Jim Blasingame
Good decision making is the result of years of experience making and learning from one's choices - good and bad. Michael J. Marx
Decision making and problem solving are not the same. To solve a problem, one needs to find a solution. To make a decision, one needs to make a choice. Michael J. Marx
A moral dilemma can be large or small, important or inconsequential, urgent or secondary. One thing is certain: moral dilemmas are ever present. Michael J. Marx
Managing relationships (with start ups) is more like teaching. Jeff Jarvis
Mom & pop stores are not about something small; they are about something big. Ninety percent of all U.S. businesses are family owned or controlled. They are important not only for the food, drink, clothing, and tools they sell us, but also for providing us with intellectual stimulation, social interaction, and connection to our communities. We must have mom & pop stores because we are social animals. We crave to be part of the marketplace. Robert Spector
As an entrepreneur, value creation will always be your first line of defense against business failure. Gregory V. Diehl
Not a single person has died of boredom reading this book. Nicole Fende
Many small businesses would rather face an angry barbarian horde than tackle their cash flow statement or price a new product. Nicole Fende
If you don’t laugh reading this book I’ll eat my pocket protector. Wait, did I just admit I had a pocket protector? Nicole Fende
I see dead Presidents. Lincoln, Jefferson, Franklin, and Washington. Nicole Fende
A small businesses ability to gain an edge for a profitable niche is not by just focusing on the dynamic market gap, but by identifying a market within the gap. Wayne Chirisa
There is no faster way to garner the lasting respect of employees, partners, and consumers than to become the embodiment of an ideal. Gregory V. Diehl
What’s the best way to ensure your small business makes a profit? Without a doubt, it’s to keep your overhead costs low, and maximize your sales per marketing dollar. Unknown
The Best Marketing Is Education! Nylus Stanton
Your world is created by your words. Timi Nadela
Always do what is right with the customer. What you sow now, you will harvest later. Timi Nadela