14 Quotes About Slumber

Although many people enjoy a good night’s sleep, some may not. In fact, sleep deprivation has been shown to negatively affect the body’s ability to function properly. It can cause fatigue, irritability, and depression, and make it harder to complete everyday tasks. So if you’re a night owl or a morning lark, here are some advice-filled slumber quotes to get a good night’s rest.

Endings are abstruse, mystic and unreal. They are but depleted beginnings purposed to be substituted with newer ones. A transition of outlook and time, similar to our differing moods before and after slumber. Before the act we witness an exhaustion, a sulkiness but on gaining consciousness, we’re rejuvenated and good humored. The wakefulness is the new beginning whereas the tension the disturbance we perceive each night is the weariness of the beginnings, of each day. So there never really is an end, all that there are are beginnings. Beginnings which are promising, which offer hope, which have a new leash on life, which neither denounce nor belittle rather soothe and console by reconstructing the broken pieces of yesterday, mending them and reinforcing them with courage and beauty like never before. . Chirag Tulsiani
Far away soul in a dreamy state Forgotten slumber seemingly...
Far away soul in a dreamy state Forgotten slumber seemingly late Pure rhythmic love now rising higher Unclad passion our only attire Munia Khan
Dream? What it is? If you realise it, it's everything;...
Dream? What it is? If you realise it, it's everything; if not, continue the slumber. Vikrmn
You must be more alive than life. You must see darkness danceand hear silence sing. You must be more awake than lightfor we aren’t born sleepingand we shouldn’t live sleeping. Only then will death’s slumberbecome sweet. Kamand Kojouri
There’s an infant part in our souls which longs for...
There’s an infant part in our souls which longs for the lullaby truths of life every night for a tranquil slumber. Munia Khan
Because at nightwhen others are sleeping, I drown myself in poetry. Kamand Kojouri
There are so many people who though can fight life and win greatly, yet they have imprisoned their own true strength and they just beg at the feet of defeat and miserable life, knowingly or unknowingly, at the expense of their true purpose! Awake whilst you have life and do something noble with all our might now! Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
You are my wine, my joy, My garden, my springtime, My slumber, my repose, Without you, I can't cope. Jalaluddin Rumi
Foolishness sleeps soundly, while knowledge turns with each thinking hour, longing for the dawn of answers. Anthony Liccione
Still enveloped in a blanket of dreams he (life) continued to lie still, pretended as if he was in a deep slumber. Suman Pokhrel
Day and NightThe night is long: do not shorten it by sleep. The day is fair: do not darken it with wrongdoing. Idries Shah
...careful the morning lest it wake from slumber the city half-encumbered by the morning mist ... John Geddes
Might there come a time When we stand over a grave And mourn ourselves? Mourn the past, a previous life? Shall we weep for the passing of time? Shall we grieve for unfulfilled dreams? In my naivety; in my belief In immortal youth, I sleep walk through life. Someone... wake me up. Please. Wake me up. Samantha Young