4 Quotes About Sex Advice

Sex is a big part of our society, and it’s something that many people really enjoy. Unfortunately, there are also many people who don’t enjoy it, and believe that the only way to have a fulfilling sex life is to have a lot of sex. If you feel this way, don’t worry, we have plenty of quotes here on why you should not worry about having a lot of sex.

There are two more turds, smaller ones, and when he has eaten these, residual shit to lick out of her anus. He prays that she'll let him drop the cape over himself, to be allowed, in the silk-lined darkness, to stay a while longer with his submissive tongue straining upward into her asshole. But she moves away. The fur evaporates from his hands. She orders him to masturbate for her. She has watched Captain Blicero with Gottfried, and has learned the proper style. Thomas Pynchon
Good sex is about knowing each other's deepest and kinkiest desires. Abhijit Naskar
Keep Your Pants OnSome people believe the myth that if you do NOT have sex by the third date the relationship is going nowhere. What a joke! ! ! Why would you have sex with a complete stranger? This person could be married, a psycho, or have an interesting disease that could be spread to you. Get to know the person for who they are, no matter how great their body is. Why risk having sex before discovering you really do not like them? Think before you get naked!. Pamela Cummins