5 Quotes About Screw Up

We all share our screw-ups, and we all feel embarrassed about them, but why? We all make mistakes — we’re human. But we need to learn from them and move on. We may not be able to stop our screw-ups or make them go away, but we can learn from them and use them as examples to help us become better people and build better relationships and friendships. We all make mistakes, but don't let it define you.

Sometimes, we expect life to work a certain way and when it doesn’t we blame others or see it as a sign, rather than face the pain of the choices we should or shouldn’t have made. Real healing won’t begin until we stop saying, “God prevented this or that.” Often in our attempt to protect ourselves from pain, we leave things to fate and don’t take chances. Or, we don’t work hard enough to keep the blessings we are given. Maybe, we didn't recognize a blessing, until it was too late. Often, it is the lies we tell ourselves that keeps us stuck in a delusion of not being responsible for our lives. We leave it all up to God. The truth is we are not leaves blowing toward our destiny without any control. To believe this is to take away our freedom of choice and that of others. The final stage of grief is acceptance. This can’t be reached through always believing God willed the outcomes in our lives, despite our inaction or actions. To think so is to take the easy escape from our accountability. Sometimes, God has nothing to do with it. Sometimes, we just screwed up and guarded our heart from accepting it, by putting our outcome on God as the reason it turned out the way it did. Faith is a beautiful thing, but without work we can give into a mysticism of destiny that really doesn't teach us lessons or consequences for our actions. Life then becomes a distorted delusion of no accountability with God always to blame for battles we walked away from, won or loss. Shannon L. Alder
Screwing up is hardly a major mistake. Sometimes your wrong choices bring you to the right places. Shannon L. Alder
Mistakes should be examined, learned from, and discarded; not dwelled upon and stored. Tim Fargo
I though I screwed everything up, " I say. He smiles. "You're only one person. In the whole universe. You can't screw everything up. Caela Carter