3 Quotes About Sacred Place

Sacred places are precious to us, and we rejoice in them with all our hearts. They are places of wonder, beauty, and meditation. Yet sometimes people do not understand the importance of sacred places, particularly where they are located on land that has been disturbed by human activities. We believe that it is important to protect these places from further disturbance by developing stricter guidelines for how development can occur on sacred lands.

Always listen to your HEART. The wisdom of your heart is the connection to your authentic power – the true home of your spirit. Quieten your inner critic, and be still.. In serenity you see and feel this power. The most essential dimension within us. The essence of who we really are. To tap in and connect to this SACRED place, it brings you to a conscious of the impermanence and divine essence of everything you truly are. Knowing yourself deeply, is to be rooted in Being. A sense of JOY. Tap in to your heart, and listen. Its higher consciousness will whisper to you intuitively. Angie Karan
If you have been in the vicinity of the sacred - ever brushed against the holy - you retain it more in your bones than in your head; and if you haven’t, no description of the experience will ever be satisfactory. Daniel Taylor