7 Quotes & Sayings By Aditi Bose

Aditi Bose is the bestselling author of two novels, The Immortals of Meluha series, and the The God's Name Is Virochana series. She has also published a collection of short stories, A Novel in Letters. Aditi lives in Mumbai with her husband and three daughters.

Some memories just stay. They just refuse to give up on staying. Maybe it is good that they stay. It helps us stay rooted. It helps us to know who we really are. Aditi Bose
I don't like laid back. I like action. This city has a constant desire to achieve. Just the way I also want to. My friends say that I have ambitions the size of the Himalayas but the desire to do so is the size of a pea. I don't believe them. Someday they will change their opinions. Today is a starting point. I can feel it. Aditi Bose
Death is not good. It’s just a fact. We don't need to give it so much importance. So I don't want to read anything that talks about it. Aditi Bose
I have always loved him. Every single minute of every single day my heart has belonged to him. I have just run away from the truth. I have covered it in shrouds of friendship and teenage crush. Aditi Bose
Togetherness is finite. There is nothing like forever. Time ends. At different times for different people. So we should always be thankful for the time that we spent together. Aditi Bose
I don't understand these rules. Writing rules. Eating rules. Studying rules. Loving rules. Everything in life seems to be governed by rules. Is that the only way to keep a person grounded? Does it really instil self-restraint or is it just a fear tactic that's used so that no one can fly to the highest realms of glory? Aditi Bose