11 Quotes About Rewrite

Rewriting is a powerful concept to understand. Sometimes, we are so stuck in our ways that it's hard to even see what's right in front of us. But when we can look at our lives through a fresh set of eyes, change becomes all the more possible. These rewrite quotes will help you see things in a whole new light and make you realize how amazing your life could be.

You are the author of your own life story. You have the leading role and get to determine how you interact with your supporting cast and other characters. Without realizing it, you may have allowed the events in your life to write your story for you rather than taking deliberate action to write it in your own voice. What will it take to love your life story to create the happy endings you desire?. Susan C. Young
If we don’t manage to connect the dots anymore and the power of our imagination is creaking at the seams, in a world of withering expectations, we have to rewrite the script of our life. ("Into a new life") Erik Pevernagie
Rebels revel in rewriting reality's restrictions. Ryan Lilly
Write like you speak with the 'rhythms of human speech, ' as William Zinsser said, and in as few words as possible. Use action verbs to carry water. Sandra E. Lamb
I used to have this toy, a magic slate. You wrote or drew on it and then, just by pulling up the plastic cover, everything you did disappeared and you could start new. Maybe everyone feels that on New Year's Eve: They can pull up the magic sheet and rewrite their lives. V.C. Andrews
Trying to rewrite the past was a child's game, a pointless, ridiculous child's game no one ever won. Sabrina Jeffries
You don’t rewrite it, censor it, or edit it, to suit some warped view you have of the past and your own present. V.T. Davy
We must rewrite our story from one of fear to one of celebration. Kameron Hurley
You can rewrite your personal story! Mary Buchan
Writing a first draft is like groping one's way into a dark room, or overhearing a faint conversation, or telling a joke whose punchline you've forgotten. As someone said, one writes mainly to rewrite, for rewriting and revising are how one's mind comes to inhabit the material fully. Ted Solotaroff