32 Quotes & Sayings By Sabrina Jeffries

Sabrina Jeffries is a bestselling author of contemporary romance novels. She began her career as a newspaper reporter spending time in the trenches, where she found that her stories were more valuable than her bylines. It was then she decided to write fiction. She lives in South Carolina with her husband, three children, and their cat, Sooty.

The man is always the last to know when Cupid...
The man is always the last to know when Cupid has struck him- Anonymous, Memoirs of a Mistress Sabrina Jeffries
Lucy: I don't understand men. Nettie: What is there to understand? If you feed 'em regular-like and give 'em a bit of 'sugar' now and then, they're easy enough. And if they don't behave, you just toss 'em out on their arses. That's what I always say. Sabrina Jeffries
Terence: As my old da used to tell me, 'never...
Terence: As my old da used to tell me, 'never trust a rich man'. David: Good thing I'm only moderately rich. Terence: Which is why I only moderately distrust you. Sabrina Jeffries
Advising Mrs. Harris was the least I could do, " David said smoothly. "After all, she was the one who brought me and my late wife together." That was stretching it a bit, since all Charlotte had done was give Sarah lessons in how to avoid fortune hunters, thus ensuring that the recalcitrant girl went right out and married the first one who approached her. Sabrina Jeffries
I can think of only one good solution to this dilemma, " Diego said, having spent the entire night developing a plan. You sneak into the school and carry her off?" Gaspar quipped. That is the not-so-good solution. And it would be very difficult to sneak into a house full of women without raising an alarm." A cloud descended on Gaspar's brow. "I was not serious. Kidnapping is not a choice. Sabrina Jeffries
Her eyes began to shimmer with tears. “You . you love me?” His heart seemed permanently lodged in his throat. “More than life. God only knows why you love me, because I sure as hell don’t, but I know why I love you. You’re my beacon in the darkness, and my compass on a night sea. When I’m with you, I don’t want to dance with Death. I want to dance with Life. I want to dance with you. And whatever it takes, I mean to spend the rest of my life trying to deserve you. Sabrina Jeffries
A teacher had once told them that men were either...
A teacher had once told them that men were either beasts, gentlemen, or beasts masquerading as gentlemen. Might there be a fourth category – gentlemen masquerading as beasts? Sabrina Jeffries
Every person, young or old, risks the possibility of their life not turning out as planned. Especially when it comes to marriage. They might find they aren't suited for marriage after all. Or their spouses might die of an early illness. Taking a risk on another person is what marriage is all about. Sabrina Jeffries
Clearly she didn't get out into society nearly enough. Her pulse had no taste in men whatsoever. Sabrina Jeffries
Don’t be a coward, driving away anyone who cares enough to see you for yerself. It’s easy to live yer life alone, son. It takes courage to live with another. But in the end, yer life can be so much richer for it Sabrina Jeffries
Sometimes the way to a man's heart is through his talleywacker. Sabrina Jeffries
Trying to rewrite the past was a child's game, a pointless, ridiculous child's game no one ever won. Sabrina Jeffries
You got off on the wrong foot. I merely watched you shove it into your mouth. Sabrina Jeffries
What you think you are inside doesn’t matter, Morgan.” She hastened over to sit beside him. “In the end, it’s what a man does, how he acts, that shows his character. And I’ve never seen you act anything but nobly.” He lifted his face to hers, astonished at how fiercely she defended him, even after knowing the darkest secrets of his soul. “How can you be so sure of my character when I’m not even sure of it myself?”“ I can’t help it, ” she said, her voice trembling. She dropped her eyes to the bench, turmoil showing in her sweet features. “I love you. And loving someone means believing in them.” She loved him? Despite knowing what he was? A fierce joy seized him before he could prevent it. He caught her by the chin and forced her to look at him, but her clear blue eyes held no hint of deception. “God help you if you don’t mean that, ma belle ange. Sabrina Jeffries
She would put her “naïve American optimism” toward making herself indispensable to him, and she’d win him. Because naïve American optimism beat out English cynicism any day. Sabrina Jeffries
Does that sort of blatantly lascivious glance generally sway women to jump into your bed?" she asked tartly." Often enough to make it worth the attempt.' He grinned. "Besides, it need only work occasionally. "a man must sleep sometime. Sabrina Jeffries
Husband-hunting. Always a rousing sport. I suppose you go there dressed to kill."" No, indeed. What good is a dead husband?" She smiled airily. "I go dressed to maim only. Sabrina Jeffries
Dallying? Dallying, mind you?" She marched up the last few steps. "As if I would ever min a million years dally with you." She wouldn't. Really, she wouldn't! His low chuckle behind her put the lie to her words. "Never say never, my lady. A vow like that is sure to come back to bit you in the arse. Which would be a shame, given that you have such a fine one. Sabrina Jeffries
He laid her hand on his jutting cock. "This beast is what I want to put inside you, princess. It will hurt you, I fear, and you'll never be the same." She ran a finger along the length of him, then smiled softly. "I should hope not. How good can a seduction be if one ends up the same afterward? Sabrina Jeffries
I've never done this with a woman like you before. Never wanted to. I only know... I don't want it to end. Sabrina Jeffries
When I saw the women ranged in the windows, when I saw their calculating looks, assessing my purse...and other things, I realized I didn't want any of them in my bed." ..."That's why I left, princess, " he rasped. "Because I realized it was you I wanted in my bed. Only you. Sabrina Jeffries
Any friend of my cousin's is a friend of mine, sir. How exactly do you know Lady Zoe?"Before Tristan could answer, Zoe jumped in. "We met at some party, did we not, Mr. Bonnaud?""Yes." Tristan forced a smile. "Clearly a very dull one, since neither of us can remember which one it was. Sabrina Jeffries
She thinks I'm too...impulsive."" Can't imagine why, " Tristan muttered, "when you do things like ride off into the woods after gentlemen in pursuit of a thief--- Sabrina Jeffries
So you do enjoy my lovemaking?" She lifted an eyebrow. "If you can't tell that, sir, you are blind and deaf and probably stupid." If he'd been a peacock, he would have been strutting about, displaying his feathers. Sabrina Jeffries
You are a woman born of secrets and sadness. It will either destroy your future or lead you to greatness. A handsome gentleman with eyes like the sky and hair like a raven's wing will come into your life. If you let him, he will become the hand of your vengeance. If you let him, he will shatter your heart. Sabrina Jeffries
He’d often ignored his uncle’s teachings about gentlemanly behavior, but one stricture he’d always abided by: no man worth his salt took advantage of a woman. Sabrina Jeffries
The best way to honor the dead was by making their passing useful to the living. Sabrina Jeffries
So you find Miss Mercer beautiful?” The buzzing in Spencer’s head formed the words, “’She walks in beauty like the night/ Of cloudless climes and starry skies.’”“ My God, now you’re quoting poetry.” Had he said that aloud? Bloody hell. Spencer brandished his empty mug at his brother. “I always quote verse when I’m foxed.”“ You must be very foxed to quote that idiot Byron. Or very impressed by Miss Mercer’s looks. . Sabrina Jeffries
Lady Kingsley, when you read this, do attempt to keep an open mind.”“ I will if you will, ” she retorted hotly. To her surprise, he chuckled. “I daresay neither of us will. It’s a pity, too, because if we could ever see our way clear to agreeing on a matter, we might accomplish a great deal of good in this world.” It infuriated her that he could pretend to care even one whit for these boys. “Now you’ve confused me. I’d assumed that your reason for serving on so many charitable boards was to further your political aims. Yet all the time you were merely hoping to accomplish some ‘good in this world.’ How very astonishing.” Just that quickly, his amusement vanished. “While I don’t pretend to be as morally superior as you and your late husband, my intentions are good, no matter what you make of them. It may shock you to learn that those of us with character flaws sometimes do as much good as those of you without. Sabrina Jeffries
Even a ship can become a prison if all you see around you are bars. Sabrina Jeffries
Taunt me at your peril, angel. I'm only a man. So before you tumble from heaven into my bed, be very sure it's what you want. Because once I've got you where I want you, nothing on earth or heaven will save you from me." Her mouth went dry as anticipation blazed through her body. "Then it's a good thing I don't want to be saved, isn't it? Sabrina Jeffries