34 Quotes About Not Settling

Everyone encounters hurdles in life. Whether it’s a job loss, relationship breakup, or financial setback, sometimes we still have to move on or accept that things aren’t working out. But when it comes to moving forward, sometimes our hearts are in the way. Sometimes it’s easier to stay stagnant instead of facing what’s in front of us Read more

These not-settling quotes are here to help you move forward and get on with your life.

Sometimes it takes a heartbreak to shake us awake &...
Sometimes it takes a heartbreak to shake us awake & help us see we are worth so much more than we're settling for. Mandy Hale
A busy, vibrant, goal-oriented woman is so much more attractive...
A busy, vibrant, goal-oriented woman is so much more attractive than a woman who waits around for a man to validate her existence. Mandy Hale
Hope for love, pray for love, wish for love, dream...
Hope for love, pray for love, wish for love, dream for love…but don’t put your life on hold waiting for love. Mandy Hale
Two things you will never have to chase: True friends...
Two things you will never have to chase: True friends & true love. Mandy Hale
One of the best times for figuring out who you are & what you really want out of life? Right after a break-up. Mandy Hale
Single is no longer a lack of options — but a choice. A choice to refuse to let your life be defined by your relationship status but to live every day Happily and let your Ever After work itself out. Mandy Hale
Single” is an opportunity to live life on your own terms and not apologize. Mandy Hale
Gratitude was never a noun; it's secretly a verb. It is not a place you accept defeat, settle in for broken dreams or call it the best life will get. Gratitude is getting out of laziness, self pity, denial and insecurity, in order to walk through that door God has been holding open for you this entire time. Shannon L. Alder
Single |sin-gle| (adjective) - Too fabulous to settle. Mandy Hale
Single" means you are brave enough to face the glorious unknown of the unaccompanied journey. Mandy Hale
It is necessary, and even vital, to set standards for your life and the people you allow in it. Mandy Hale
Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you CHOSE your life, you didn’t SETTLE for it. Mandy Hale
Stop inviting people who don't celebrate you to your party! It's YOUR life - you have the right to be exclusive. Mandy Hale
If a man WANTS to be with you, he will make his actions clear. There won’t be any questions, murkiness, cloudiness, or fear. Mandy Hale
Breakups have a way of shaking us awake and helping us see what we really want vs. what we are willing to settle for. Mandy Hale
If something on the inside is telling you that someone isn’t right for you, they’re NOT right for you, no matter how great they might look on paper. When it’s right for you, you will know. And when it’s not — it’s time to go. Mandy Hale
Love shouldn’t require Windex to be clear. It either is or it isn’t. Mandy Hale
The wonderful, beautiful thing that happens when you rid yourself of the things that don’t see your worth? You make space in your life for all the glorious things you deserve. Mandy Hale
Too easy to get = Just as easy to forget. Mandy Hale
Not everyone has to ride off into the sunset with a man. Some of us just want a tan. Mandy Hale
Next time you hit a speed bump otherwise known as the age-old question “Why are you still single?” look ’em in the eye and say: “Because I’m too fabulous to settle. Mandy Hale
Think about it this way: While being married is about becoming the WIFE you are meant to be, being single allows you to focus on becoming the WOMAN you were born to be. Mandy Hale
When you refuse to settle for less than the best...the best tends to track you down. Mandy Hale
If you want your life to be a five-star reality, you have to stop settling for a fast food mentality! Mandy Hale
Here's a glorious thought: You don't have to settle. Ever. In life, in love, in your career… A N Y W H E R E! Mandy Hale
It takes guts and bravery and heart to walk a mile in a single girl’s shoes. And sometimes a fabulous pedicure. Mandy Hale
You don’t need a significant other to lead a significant life. Mandy Hale
Happily Single is holding out for the best and letting go of the rest. It’s saying “I will and I can” to YOURSELF before you say “I do” to someone else. Mandy Hale
Happily Single is permission to CHOOSE your life rather than having it handed to you, and it’s living life on your own terms instead of those that are expected of you. Mandy Hale
Single ladies, the only thing we need to be rescued from is the notion that we need to be rescued. Mandy Hale
He looked around. The room, a few suitcases, some belongings, a handful of well-read books– a man needed few things to live. And it was good not to get used to many things when life was unsettled. Again and again one had to abandon them or they were taken away. One should be ready to leave every day. That was the reason he had lived alone– when one was on the move one should not have anything that could bind one. Nothing that could stir the heart. The adventure– but nothing more. Erich Maria Remarque
Someone out there is looking for exactly what you've got…and will never try and undercut your value or question your worth. Some things in life just can’t be bartered over or placed on the sale rack — and your self-worth is at the top of the list. Mandy Hale
The right one for you will move mountains to be with you - he won't hide behind them. Mandy Hale