19 Quotes About Reserve

Reserve is a set of considerations which you use to make a judgment of whether a certain amount of money or property can be withdrawn from a particular place without causing a deterioration of the value. In banking, it is the part of your savings that you have set aside for a rainy day. At times, we need to save our money in advance because of unforeseen needs and expenses. And while saving money from today’s money may not seem like a big deal, saving some money is an important life skill and one that students and young adults should be learning very early on.

I make love with a focus and intensity that most...
I make love with a focus and intensity that most people reserve for sleep. Unknown
To begin to know ourselves we must have sincere conversations with ourselves as if with a good friend. We must answer without reserve, listen without judgement, and accept without condition. That is self-love. Kamand Kojouri
Think the tree that bears nutrition:though the fruits are picked,...
Think the tree that bears nutrition:though the fruits are picked, the plant maintains fruition. So give all the love you have. Do not hold any in reserve. What is given is not lost; it shall return. Kamand Kojouri
Nothing is as irritating to a shy man as a...
Nothing is as irritating to a shy man as a confident girl. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I have no use for these other loves. Seal them shut in jarsand place them in the pantry. A reserve of love. Thank them for their love. They are so kind. Perhaps store them in the fridge For others to take. They say love is a panacea. I know it is not. Flakes of snow, no two are alike. When I am down on my knees, hopeless and angry, for the world no longer makes sense, I won't look in the pantry or fridge. It is your hand pressing on my shoulderthat makes me whole, makes me forget. What trouble? What world? . Kamand Kojouri
If your expenditure brings you poverty, then you may call yourself a poor but the world will call you a fool. Amit Kalantri
Don't neglect the gifts in you. Power reserved is function suspended. The day you choose to switch on your passion is the day you will see your dunamis power in you. Be inspired! Israelmore Ayivor
God loves each person, I believe; although, just like we do in our private homes, He reserves His kingdom only for those whom He enjoys. Criss Jami
Spread your courtesy across the door posts of everyone you know, but reserve your intimacy with the little trustworthy friends who are going where you are going. Get it simply: wide courtesy, narrow intimacy! Israelmore Ayivor
The difference between a successful and an unsuccessful person is that, one has preserved his potentials while the other has processed his own! Israelmore Ayivor
Dreams appear as seeds that when planted, must become a forest reserve. Israelmore Ayivor
Success is not reserved for a selected group of people who have silver spoons in their mouths. Those who have golden spoons in their hands can equally be satisfied by guiding their faiths to feed their dreams Israelmore Ayivor
Many losses have gone sinking daily by our inability to recognize the great deal of power reserved in us. Watch out and make it real because soon, it's going to be your turn to shine! Israelmore Ayivor
I imagine you come across a number of people who are disconcerted by the difference between what you do feel and what they fancy you ought to feel. It is fatal to pay the smallest attention to them.”“ Yes, ” said Harriet, “but I am one of them. I disconcert myself very much. I never know what I do feel.”“ I don’t think that matters, provided one doesn’t try to persuade one’s self into appropriate feelings. . Dorothy L. Sayers
Intellectually and compassionately explaining the reason freedom works is required for credibility. Ron Paul
It is a most repulsive quality, indeed, ’ said he. ‘Oftentimes very convenient, no doubt, but never pleasing. There is safety in reserve, but no attraction. One cannot love a reserved person.’‘ Not till the reserve ceases towards oneself; and then the attraction may be the greater. Jane Austen
The French, it seems to me, strike a happy balance between intimacy and reserve. Some of this must be helped by the language, which lends itself to graceful expression even when dealing with fairly basic subjects.. And there's that famously elegant subtitle from a classic Western.COWBOY: "Gimme a shot of red-eye." S U B T I T L E: "Un Dubonnet, s'il vous plait." No wonder French was the language of diplomacy for all those years. Peter Mayle
Federal Reserve officials have stressed the importance of the Fed's independence. But such independence does not mean that it is immune from Congressional oversight. Richard Shelby