84 Quotes About Religion Vs Science

Science and religion are two popular topics of conversation. Many people take one side or the other to discuss these popular topics. However, there are many different ways to look at them. While science has much to offer us, it can’t answer everything or tell us what is true or false Read more

Instead, it encourages us to question things and investigate the truth behind them for ourselves. Religion, on the other hand, is something that many people believe in without question. While some people may question the validity of religion itself, the purpose of religion is to help put our lives in order by providing answers to questions we may have about life and faith.

Ignorance is hardly unusual, Miss Davar. The longer I live, the more I come to realize that it is the natural state of the human mind. There are many who will strive to defend its sanctity and then expect you to be impressed with their efforts. Brandon Sanderson
Religion should teach about hope to come for all, not...
Religion should teach about hope to come for all, not terror for some Bangambiki Habyarimana
Good gods are scarce because the majority of gods are...
Good gods are scarce because the majority of gods are created by evil men Bangambiki Habyarimana
Why do religious believers hate unbelievers? The feel threatened by them, they feel besieged by them. Religions consider themselves as separate tribes in their own rights and feel like unbelievers will one day overrun their strongholds Bangambiki Habyarimana
Every word that comes after
Every word that comes after "And the Lord told me... “is a pious lie Bangambiki Habyarimana
Some people are so stiff and inhumane as the dogma's...
Some people are so stiff and inhumane as the dogma's they believe in Bangambiki Habyarimana
Give me something to worship whatever.” Cries the human soul
Give me something to worship whatever.” Cries the human soul Bangambiki Habyarimana
Spiritual leaders, priests and prophets are lamps burning in the...
Spiritual leaders, priests and prophets are lamps burning in the dark, seeking meaning for humanity. Bangambiki Habyarimana
Science cannot disprove god. Science studies the things that are....
Science cannot disprove god. Science studies the things that are. The eternal question is who or what made them to be Bangambiki Habyarimana
Why doesn't the pope convert to Calvinism? Why doesn't the Dalai Lama, convert to Christianity, why doesn't Billy Graham convert to Islam, Why doesn't the Ayatollahs convert to Buddhism, Why isn't Buddhism swept away? Religious leaders know that all religions are equal; they know that no one of them has the monopoly to the knowledge of God. They know that each religion is trying to find the hidden God and that no one religion can claim to have found him beyond doubt. That's why they remain where they are and respect each other. Bangambiki Habyarimana
Can really anybody put his hand on his heart and...
Can really anybody put his hand on his heart and profess to know beyond doubt what happens on the other side of this life? Bangambiki Habyarimana
There is nothing behind the curtains of religions, people put...
There is nothing behind the curtains of religions, people put there whatever their imaginations can fathom Bangambiki Habyarimana
Once you believe that god is not a private property...
Once you believe that god is not a private property of anybody, you are on your way to becoming a new messiah. Maybe your own if not the world's Bangambiki Habyarimana
One man's faith is considered idolatry by another
One man's faith is considered idolatry by another Bangambiki Habyarimana
Apologetics=faith is weak, lets defend it
Apologetics=faith is weak, lets defend it Bangambiki Habyarimana
Theology is like assuming that there is a black cat...
Theology is like assuming that there is a black cat in a dark room where in fact there is no black cat, and endeavoring to study the cat's properties and how it may have evolved from its ancestors. Bangambiki Habyarimana
The eyes of god are upon you, I mean the...
The eyes of god are upon you, I mean the eyes of society. We are prisoners of societies in which we live Bangambiki Habyarimana
You take away my golden dreams and my visions of paradise, in its place you wake me up and hand me your reasons and facts and crude reality. You have ruined my life. If I commit murder or hang myself, let the god I used to pray to repay you in full. Bangambiki Habyarimana
A spiritual realm is more obedient than a temporal one. In a spiritual realm, people obey the Supreme Being through his priests; in a temporal realm people don't obey wholeheartedly as they distrust their corrupt officials. Bangambiki Habyarimana
If you believe that God is good and that He loves you without regard to whom you are or what you do, you will worship Him wholeheartedly. You will praise him with thanksgiving. If you believe He is angry against you, you will come to him with fear and trying to appease his anger. And you don't know when His anger will be over. Such a god keeps you in a perpetual psychological anguish. That is the typical kind of god we usually worship. That is the typical god approved by authority. . Bangambiki Habyarimana
Each mind conceives god in its own way. There may...
Each mind conceives god in its own way. There may be as many variation of the god figure as there are people in the world Bangambiki Habyarimana
God has not yet revealed himself to no one in...
God has not yet revealed himself to no one in no unclear terms. Religions are attempts to find him on that level they are all equal Bangambiki Habyarimana
What is needed is not that a religion be true, meaning that what it claims exist beyond the ink it is written with in a holy book. That is hard to prove. What is important is that a religion be a good system to help us mere mortal deal with our short and troubled life in the universe. Whether what we hope for in the afterlife materializes or not is not important, what is important is that we believe it will materialize and that gives us hope. . Bangambiki Habyarimana
Much terror in religion is not the will of god,...
Much terror in religion is not the will of god, it is created by power hungry clerics who thirst for absolute power and claim it for god. God does not seek power, he is already powerful. Bangambiki Habyarimana
No holy book is more inspired than the other. They...
No holy book is more inspired than the other. They are all inspired according to their gods. Bangambiki Habyarimana
Anyone can write a holy book, if he feels god...
Anyone can write a holy book, if he feels god is calling him to do so Bangambiki Habyarimana
No one knows what god thinks of anything. He only...
No one knows what god thinks of anything. He only knows and no one can claim to penetrate into his mysteries. Those who do that are liars and must be avoided at all costs Bangambiki Habyarimana
It's utter arrogance to think that we can know what...
It's utter arrogance to think that we can know what god ought to be or do. If we don't understand we must continue our search or recognize our ignorance Bangambiki Habyarimana
All religions are
All religions are "revealed" and "inspired". After all nothing happens without the "will" of god. Bangambiki Habyarimana
If we believe that god is the creator of evil,...
If we believe that god is the creator of evil, maybe there is evil also in heaven, if that is the case, we are not out of the woods yet Bangambiki Habyarimana
Don't create unbelief or doubt in people's minds. When you do so you ruin their lives and you have nothing to give them in its place. It's ok if people delude themselves those delusions keep their day running. Bangambiki Habyarimana
An atheist is a disappointed true believer he is an...
An atheist is a disappointed true believer he is an angry and hungry soul who has failed to find a real god to whom he can anchor his hope Bangambiki Habyarimana
All religions are man-made God has not yet revealed himself...
All religions are man-made God has not yet revealed himself beyond doubt to anybody. Bangambiki Habyarimana
When you have doubts about God, the right position to...
When you have doubts about God, the right position to take is agnosticism, atheism is outright arrogance Bangambiki Habyarimana
The more time you invest into studying religion, the more...
The more time you invest into studying religion, the more likely you are to disbelieve in the gods Bangambiki Habyarimana
Religion is a theory about everything that needs to be...
Religion is a theory about everything that needs to be proved only after death those who prove or disprove it never come back to us to tell the story Bangambiki Habyarimana
It's impossible to do science without faith. Sometimes scientists build theories on the premises of faulty assumptions until they discover they were in error and begin again from square one until they discover the true theory. It's quite different with theologians, they build false theory upon false theory until they give you detailed descriptions of heaven and hell and construct dogmas to protect their errors and if you dare say they are in error they condemn you to eternal damnation they arrived at through false theories . Bangambiki Habyarimana
There is no difference between ancient and modern paganism. Christianity has five gods: three that band together against one who apparently has managed to stand his ground for millennia, and a mother of god who is worshiped at the same level as the other members of the quadrinity Bangambiki Habyarimana
On close analysis, it would seem that there is a...
On close analysis, it would seem that there is a possibility that we are god's robots Bangambiki Habyarimana
I believe only in one God, creator of everything that...
I believe only in one God, creator of everything that exists, visible and invisible, good and evil. I believe that he will ultimately save every soul and give it eternal life. Bangambiki Habyarimana
Yes an atheist priest can perfectly minister to a believing congregation and miracles can happen in that congregation. Miracles depend on the faith of the believer, not that of the officiant. A bartender who never takes alcohol can serve alcohol to his clients. What is necessary is that the priest believes he is doing the good work. The congregation needs faith and it helps them. It would be evil to deny them such a service in the name of his lack of faith. - Bangambiki Habyarimana. Bangambiki Habyarimana
We all want to become more than we are, we...
We all want to become more than we are, we want to live forever, that is why we hate death and create the afterlife. Bangambiki Habyarimana
Belief in God puts our life on autopilot. We know that someone up there is watching us and is in control. Losing our faith puts off the autopilot, we have to run it manually, and check if everything is alright for ourselves. No wonder religion has a wide appeal; most of us are lazy and would like a supreme being to be in charge Bangambiki Habyarimana
Religion is pure hypnosis
Religion is pure hypnosis Bangambiki Habyarimana
All religions are guesswork
All religions are guesswork Bangambiki Habyarimana
My gut instinct is that these heavens and hells exist...
My gut instinct is that these heavens and hells exist nowhere else except in our hearts and minds Bangambiki Habyarimana
Don’t curse the gods you will feel shame when you...
Don’t curse the gods you will feel shame when you have to call on them for help Bangambiki Habyarimana
God is powerful. Even those who claim not to believe...
God is powerful. Even those who claim not to believe in him fear him. Though their mouths may confess to disbelieve in him, their hearts yearn for him. Bangambiki Habyarimana
All atheists will go to heaven. If god exists, not believing in him does not take him away and he cannot justly condemn those who seek him earnestly and cannot find him. He would even reward their earnest search for him. Bangambiki Habyarimana
He is an atheist anyone who does not believe in...
He is an atheist anyone who does not believe in my god and the wrath of god is upon him; I am in my right to meet that wrath on him, " thunders the fanatic Bangambiki Habyarimana
You can't have it both ways. Either you believe in...
You can't have it both ways. Either you believe in my god or you go to hell Bangambiki Habyarimana
Atheists are the most honest of the human race. These people are unable to live a double life; they are unable to lie to themselves. Of course it's an evolutionary handicap, and if that handicap was widespread, our species would run the risk of extinction Bangambiki Habyarimana
From the club of what atheist call false hope and false god (which offer solace to weak minds), atheist are calling you to their club of no god and no hope (which offers nothing in return. Join the club only if you are a strong minded individual capable of handling your life alone without the help of gods. ) Bangambiki Habyarimana
An atheist is someone who is disappointed in his search...
An atheist is someone who is disappointed in his search of god. He is a man who strongly needed god but couldn't find him. Atheism is a cry of despair Bangambiki Habyarimana
I know what is going on in the heart of...
I know what is going on in the heart of an atheist. Deep anguish that there is nothing beyond, nothing to live for, nothing to give him hope. I know because I endured the same predicament. Bangambiki Habyarimana
After losing faith, even an atheist feels a yawning void in his soul that needs filling; there is nothing imaginable that he can fill with it. It was all along meant to be filled with the sacred, with the unknown and unknowable power. That's the curse or blessing of humanity Bangambiki Habyarimana
Never question the conviction of a scientist, based on mere scriptures. Abhijit Naskar
Some people are here on earth because they were sent to hell Bangambiki Habyarimana
Many scientific disciplines begin by not observing any sort of vital spark or consciousness in material events and proceed to deny that these things exist in living things, including themselves. Because consciousness does not fit into their mechanistic schemes they declare it illusory. Magicians make exactly the reverse argument. Observing consciousness in themselves and animals, they are magnanimous enough to extend it to all things to some degree–trees, amulets, planetary bodies, and all. This is a far more respectful and generous attitude than that of religions, most of whom won't even give animals a soul. Peter J. Carroll
Science fiction invites the writer to grandly explore alternative worlds and pose questions about meaning and destiny. Inventing plausible new realities is what the genre is all about. One starts from a hypothesis and then builds out the logic, adding detail and incident to give substance to imaginary structures. In that respect, science fiction and theology have much in common. Lawrence Wright
Current research in any field of Science has not yet reached the point where we could start exploring the existential question regarding God as a Supreme Entity driving causality in the universe. However, as modern Neuroscience progresses further and gets more advanced, we shall get to dive deeper into the physiological processes underneath the Qualia of God in human mind. What we have seen so far through our studies in Neurotheology, is that it is not God himself/herself/itself, rather it is people’s perception of God that influences the human life. The Qualia of God impact all aspects of human life by altering the body chemistry at a cellular level. . Abhijit Naskar
Great men of old and of today never considered themselves only human, they also considered themselves gods. And god! See what hat great achievement have they realized! Bangambiki Habyarimana
People have been murdered over cartoons. End of moral analysis. Sam Harris
For good people to do evil doesn't require only religion, or even any religion, but simply one of it's key elements: belief without evidence-in other words, faith. And that kind of faith is seen not just in religion, but any authoritarian ideology that puts dogma above truth and frowns on dissent. This was precisely the case in the totalitarian regimes of Maoist China and Stalinist Russia, whose excesses are often (and wrongly) blamed on atheism. Faith vs. Fact. p. 220. Jerry A. Coyne
For good people to do evil doesn't require only religion, or even any religion, but simply one of it's key elements: belief without evidence-in other words, faith. And that kind of faith is seen not just in religion, but any authoritarian ideology that puts dogma above truth and frowns on dissent. This was precisely the case in the totalitarian regimes of Maoist China and Stalinist Russia, whose excesses are often (and wrongly) blamed on atheism. Jerry A. Coyne
Yet in our hands and within our view is a whole universe of discovery and clarification, which is a pleasure to study in itself, gives the average person access to insights that not even Darwin or Einstein possessed, and offers the promise of near-miraculous advances in healing, in energy, and in peaceful exchange between different cultures. Yet millions of people in all societies still prefer the myths of the cave and the tribe and the blood sacrifice. Christopher Hitchens
Religion has clearly performed great services for human civilization. It has contributed much towards the taming of the asocial instincts. But not enough. It has ruled human society for many thousands of years and has had time to show what it can achieve. If it had succeeded in making the majority of mankind happy, in comforting them, in reconciling them to life and in making them into vehicles of civilization, no one would dream of attempting to alter the existing conditions. But what do we see instead? We see that an appallingly large number of people are dissatisfied with civilization and unhappy in it, and feel it as a yoke which must be shaken off; and that these people either do everything in their power to change that civilization, or else go so far in their hostility to it that they will have nothing to do with civilization or with a restriction of instinct. At this point it will be objected against us that this state of affairs is due to the very fact that religion has lost a part of its influence over human masses precisely because of the deplorable effect of the advances of science. We will note this admission and the reason given for it, and we shall make use of it later for our own purposes; but the objection itself has no force. It is doubtful whether men were in general happier at a time when religious doctrines held unrestricted sway; more moral they certainly were not. They have always known how to externalize the precepts of religion and thus to nullify their intentions. The priests, whose duty it was to ensure obedience to religion, met them half-way in this. God's kindness must lay a restraining hand on His justice. One sinned, and then one made a sacrifice or did penance and then one was free to sin once more. Russian introspectiveness has reached the pitch of concluding that sin is indispensable for the enjoyment of all the blessings of divine grace, so that, at bottom, sin is pleasing to God. It is no secret that the priests could only keep the masses submissive to religion by making such large concessions as these to the instinctual nature of man. Thus it was agreed: God alone is strong and good, man is weak and sinful. In every age immorality has found no less support in religion than morality has. If the achievements of religion in respect to man’s happiness, susceptibility to culture and moral control are no better than this, the question cannot but arise whether we are not overrating its necessity for mankind, and whether we do wisely in basing our cultural demands upon it. Sigmund Freud
It all begins with faith. If we believed animal went to heaven, we wouldn't send them there prematurely Bangambiki Habyarimana
Create hell and people will be impatient to get there, just out of curiosity Bangambiki Habyarimana
Gods can only keep their promises in books Bangambiki Habyarimana
Even if god was proved beyond doubt that he did not exist. We would still believe in him. We don't need hard facts, we need true emotions. Bangambiki Habyarimana
At the end of faith there is always some calamity Bangambiki Habyarimana
Many people don't know they have stopped believing in god. Their neighbors do Bangambiki Habyarimana
Once you let them establish their ideology in you, they will drive you crazy Bangambiki Habyarimana
We are gods but we are afraid of the ensuing responsibility; that's why we prefer to remain slaves. Only if we dared to rise up to the challenge and assume our divinity, we could perform most of the miracles we pray for. Bangambiki Habyarimana
Billions of years before I was born I did not need religion, why should I need it, billions of years after I cease to exist Bangambiki Habyarimana
God does not take sides. He is always on the side of the winner Bangambiki Habyarimana
I am not afraid of what god can do to me. He is already doing it Bangambiki Habyarimana
Don't be alarmed, the god I am trying to kill is the one I hate, not the one I love Bangambiki Habyarimana
Life is stripped of its flavor when folks are told that hell is waiting for them Bangambiki Habyarimana
False prophet: A prophet whose god is not yet known Bangambiki Habyarimana
God is what you imagine him to be Bangambiki Habyarimana
Religion teaches us to fight against our natural instincts but it thrives on them Bangambiki Habyarimana