9 Quotes About Productivity Tip

Don’t you hate it when you can’t find the time to do all your work and you don’t feel like doing anything at all? You’re not alone — we all feel that way sometimes. And there is nothing more frustrating than that feeling of having all the free time in the world, but not knowing what to do with it! If this sounds like your current situation, there’s a good chance you need a little help with productivity-tips quotes . These little reminders will help you get out of your own way and make the most of every minute.

There are two powerful fuels, two forces; motivation and inspiration. To be motivated you need to know what your motives are. Over time - and to sustain you through it - your motivation must become an inner energy; a 'motor' driving you forward, passionately, purposefully, wisely and compassionately.. come what may, every day. Inspiration is an outer - worldly - energy that you breathe and draw in. It may come from many places, faces, spaces and stages - right across the ages. It is where nature, spirit, science, mind and time meet, dance, play and speak. It keeps you outward facing and life embracing. But you must be open-minded and open-hearted to first let it in and then let it out again. Together - blended, combined and re-entwined - motivation and inspiration bring connectivity, productivity, creativity and boundless possibilities that is not just 'self' serving but enriching to all humanity and societies..just as it should be. . Rasheed Ogunlaru
Start anywhere, with whatever is in front of you. The key is to begin - and to trust that as long as you’re putting one foot in front of the other, eventually you'll get to where you need to, or at the very least, much farther than you had initially imagined. Geetanjali Mukherjee
Time management is about life management. Idowu Koyenikan
At times, productivity means doing nothing at all. Gina Greenlee
Where your attention goes, your time goes Idowu Koyenikan
Therefore, to maximize your productivity, deliberately focus on precisely one thing at a time. Oran Kangas
As a reformed procrastinator, I'm now getting things done in the first 10 seconds of the last minute. Stewart Lee Beck
Prior Planning Produces Positive Performance Salley Farquharson