2 Quotes About On-Liberty

“The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that’s good.” – Thomas Jefferson Thoughts on guns and gun rights 1. The right to bear arms is as essential as breathing… 2. Guns don’t kill people, we do. Guns don’t keep us safe, we do Read more

Guns don’t keep us free, we do. 3. If guns could speak, what would they say? 4. I would like to know why the hell anyone needs a handgun and ammunition for self-defense and personal protection? You can protect yourself with a baseball bat or a knife or even a long walking stick.

Why do you need a handgun? 5. I believe in the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and I support the interpretation given to it by the Supreme Court of the United States: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." 6. Personal protection is not an excuse for over-regulation of our rights! The use of deadly force in self-defense is legal, but that doesn't mean it should be legal just because someone has been harmed or threatened! Your safety is your responsibility alone! 7.

If you have been harmed or threatened by another person, report it immediately if possible! Do not confront them yourself! In this situation, getting away from them as quickly as possible is your best option! If you have been threatened or harmed by someone else but do not know who they are, please contact your local police department! The police are there to protect you! 8. Don't ignore violence against women - report it if you see it or hear about it! It's totally unacceptable - there's no excuse for it! Take the time to educate yourself about domestic violence if you aren't already knowledgeable about it - otherwise you could potentially make things worse by confronting the perpetrator after he/she has beaten up another person or released their anger towards an innocent victim! 9. Don't take your gun to places where you cannot legally carry it - this includes schools and government buildings - if you can't legally carry on school grounds (governing bodies), then don't bring your gun at all on school grounds (governor bodies)! Don't bring your gun into court - this applies whether or not you are