3 Quotes About Mother S Advice

If you’re searching for a positive and uplifting way to begin your day, these mother-s-advice quotes are just what you’ve been looking for. As mothers, it’s our duty to provide love and care to our children so they can grow up happy, healthy, and strong. But at the same time, it’s also our duty to teach them how to be independent, take care of themselves, and give back to the world. We hope these quotes about motherhood will inspire you to think of your own children as you read along.

This is something every girl should know in addition to sewing on a button and applying mascara correctly. Before I know it, I'm asking her, 'If you had a daughter what would you tell her?' Mrs. Dupree smiles. 'Oh let me think.' she says. 'Well, I would say that every time you buy a new blouse or some wrinkle cream to make you look good, go and buy a book right away. It's just as important to keep your mind beautiful, don't you think? . Karen Harrington
What kind of woman tells all her secrets?” my mother continued, flabbergasted and disappointed in me. “Especially anything that has to do with your body making babies! I know a woman who had no ovaries when she got married. Her husband found out only years later that they couldn’t have children. The two of them are happy together still; they live in a big house, and have a cute dog. Inna Swinton