6 Quotes About Miya Yamanouchi

Be thankful to those who refuse to help you, for they force you to summon upon your warrior within. Miya Yamanouchi
Your past history is NOT an excuse. Miya Yamanouchi
Centuries of social conditioning has created a generational fear among women of being perceived as masculine. This is where all the shaming and labels come into play, which perpetuate the oppression of girls and women. As a society we shame girls with deep voices or masculine features and we shame boys with soft voices or effeminate gestures. Girls get called "too manly" and boys get called "too girly". The only solution I can think of is to be unashamedly "you". If that means challenging stereotypes and gender norms, go right ahead! . Miya Yamanouchi
Dear Men Everywhere, Please don't think that being a feminist means we hate you or don't need you. -We absolutely love you and couldn't live without you!. ..We are just on a mission to be treated equally and with respect. No hard feelings. With love, Feminists of the World xoxoox P.S. Yes we do shave our legs! Miya Yamanouchi
My Dear Friend, Don't ever allow yourself to forget how incredibly special you are, even for a single second. Without you, the world would not be as magnificent. Let yourself remember to love again, starting with you loving you. Miya Yamanouchi