5 Quotes About Mark Gorman

Mark-Gorman is an author, speaker, and certified professional coach. He recognizes that most people don’t know how to set goals in their lives, so he teaches them how to do so in order to create positive outcomes. He has helped millions of people find their purpose in life and follow through on the tasks they need to complete in order to achieve their dreams. He’s also written several books about goal setting, including How To Be A Goal Setter: A Quickstart Guide Read more

His newest book, is The Power Of Purpose: What It Is And How You Can Take Control Of Your Life.

Leaders live by choice, not by accident.
Leaders live by choice, not by accident. Mark Gorman
Not all dreamers are winners, but all winners are dreamers. Your dream is the key to your future. The Bible says that, "without a vision (dream), a people perish." You need a dream, if you're going to succeed in anything you do. Mark Gorman
Only 8% of our worry will come to pass. 92% of our worry is wasted. DON'T PANIC Mark Gorman
If God didn't want you to be a dreamer, He...
If God didn't want you to be a dreamer, He wouldn't go around handing out dreams! That's a clue! Mark Gorman