19 Quotes About Loving Yourself Unconditionally

Sometimes as we go through life, it becomes clearer to us that we need to change our behavior, change our attitudes, and do things differently. In those moments, we often want to tell ourselves that we’ll love ourselves unconditionally. But despite our best intentions, we find it difficult to follow through with this promise. So once again, we find ourselves doubting the validity of our intentions and believing that we do indeed love ourselves unconditionally Read more

But how can we love someone else without first loving ourselves completely? The truth is that no one else can love us if we do not first love ourselves. We have been given many different ways to express love for others throughout the course of our lives, but learning to truly show our love for self is perhaps one of the most important things we can learn.

If you don't love yourself, you won't be happy with yourself. If you can't love yourself, you can't love anyone else. You can't give the love you do not have. You can't make anyone love you without loving yourself first. Kemi Sogunle
There is no greater fulfillment than living with a positive mind and a heart full of unconditional self-love. Unknown
Nothing on earth fulfills the heart better than unconditional self-love. Unknown
A heart can only become fragile if unconditional self-love is continuously deprived from it. Unknown
I am not sure that you can be taught how to love. In many ways it is innate - just watch and see what small child effortlessly does. But you can be reminded of it and invited to it and reminded of it. Rasheed Ogunlaru
Believing in yourself is one of the greatest things that you could ever do for yourself. But the greatest is loving yourself unconditionally. Unknown
No other love on earth would ever equate to the unconditional one that could come from you to you. Unknown
It's impossible to love yourself unconditionally without frequently making some time to know yourself better. Unknown
When you discover how to love yourself unconditionally, you would never desperately wait around for someone to fulfill your life. Unknown
God loves you unconditionally despite all your imperfections. So what is your excuse not to love yourself unconditionally and be comfortable in your own skin? Unknown
The best gift that you could ever give to yourself is unconditional self-love. Life without it is an empty existence. Unknown
If you have the presence of unconditional self-love in your heart, there is no way you would allow yourself to be in an abusive relationship, just because of the fear of being alone. Unknown
The feeling of happiness can never be activated in your life without you loving yourself unconditionally. Unknown
Know yourself better and love yourself unconditionally, and stop miserably and desperately waiting for a 'special someone' to come into your life and fill up the emptiness in your heart. Unknown
Despite all of our flaws, God still loves us unconditionally. So why then should you dare to turn your back on loving your true positive self, unconditionally? Unknown
I love my life not because it is full of perfect experiences, but because I solely owe myself unconditional self-love in abundance. So what would be your excuse not to love your life unconditionally? Unknown
Never allow anything or anyone to cause you to stop loving yourself unconditionally. Your presence on earth is undoubtedly priceless. Unknown
Learn to love yourself unconditionally instead of always looking for someone to love you and give your life a meaning. Unknown