7 Quotes About Lovewhatmattersbook

You’ve got to love what you’re doing. – Mary Kay Ash – -------------------------- Mary Kay Ash was the founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics and one of the highest ranking African-American female executives in corporate America at the time of her death in 2002. She was also a social activist and philanthropist. Her quote is one of those best-known sayings about the pursuit of happiness, and most people know it as “You’ve got to love what you do.”

Sometimes it takes heartache to put you on the path...
Sometimes it takes heartache to put you on the path toward making your heart full. Kristin McKenzie Rice
In a world full of nouns, be a verb. Kristin McKenzie Rice
The key to your heart should be held by the...
The key to your heart should be held by the One who made it. Kristin McKenzie Rice
Love as if your life depends on it. He already...
Love as if your life depends on it. He already showed you how. Kristin McKenzie Rice
Love what matters in a world that loves itself.
Love what matters in a world that loves itself. Kristin McKenzie Rice
Live in a way that is worth Christ dying for.
Live in a way that is worth Christ dying for. Kristin McKenzie Rice