20 Quotes About Loveless

A quote is a piece of writing that is ascribed to a specific person. A quote is traditionally ascribed to the person who said it, but quotes can also be ascribed to people who are famous for saying it, or sometimes even fictional characters. There are many famous quotes that have been attributed to famous people of all kinds. The most famous of these quotes is of course, "A penny for your thoughts". In the following paragraphs we have listed some of the most popular and interesting quotes in history Read more

If you're interested in reading more inspirational quotes from the past, then please read our post from last week.

My belief is that, morally, God and Satan are vaguely on the same page. According to the common understanding of Satan's origins, holiness must be in his blood: but a corrupted formula. The vital difference is that God is willing to offer grace for our sins; he delights in grace. God is the one and only holy and just punisher of sin, yes, but that is partly so because punishment for the sake of punishment is not something he loves. Whereas Satan, as the accuser, and as it is written, actually seeks God's permission to punish; he, being a seasoned legalist, delights in finding wrongs and will defy his own morality just to expose immorality. This is why both the anti-religious soul and the violently religious soul are, whether consciously or unconsciously, and sadly enough, glorifying their biggest hater: Satan is not only a lawless lover of punishing lawlessness, but also the greatest theologian of us all. He loves wickedness, but only because he loves punishing wickedness. . Criss Jami
I wish not to tell you how I feel, I...
I wish not to tell you how I feel, I choose silence so that you leave, Kiss me goodbye and set me free... Sanhita Baruah
How easily such a thing can become a mania, how the most normal and sensible of women once this passion to be thin is upon them, can lose completely their sense of balance and proportion and spend years dealing with this madness. Kathryn Hurn
A bird, unable to fly, is still a bird; but...
A bird, unable to fly, is still a bird; but a human unable to love is an inexpensive stone: like a piece of uric acid stone Munia Khan
In the strange anomaly of my existence, feelings with me had never been of the heart, and my passions always were of the mind. Edgar Allan Poe
We hide our demons so good, that the angels we show, bare the shame on their faces. Anthony Liccione
She thirsted for love, but found only a mirage. Some hearts are a desert you can die wandering in. John Mark Green
The heart beneath the breastbone pumping. The blood on its appointed rounds. Life in small places, narrow crannies. In the leaves, the toad's pulse. The delicate cellular warfare in a waterdrop. A dextrocardiac, said the smiling doctor. Your heart's in the right place. Weathershrunk and loveless. The skin drawn and split like an overripe fruit. Cormac McCarthy
Those were the three words seldom asked to her. Yet, she knew they hold a healing power in them; For they bring a million thoughts to the mind and more to the soul; For the answer is far deeper than what is simply said on the face. She understood, so she asked him what was seldom asked to her, " How are you? Sanhita Baruah
Maybe we don’t ever feel that sweetly untainted and wholly majestic kind of love that takes every longing captive because we are hopelessly entangled in the illogical fear that despite all of love’s grand goodness, it might not be good enough to keep us safe. Craig D. Lounsbrough
Both men and women remain in dysfunctional, loveless relationships when it is materially opportune. Bell Hooks
Sometimes it's your fragrance that comes to me, out of the blue, on a crowded road in a Sunday afternoon. But more often, it's memories of us that cross my mind almost every lone evening. All I want is to lessen the pain I feel every night. But every morning I wake up is another day, hopeless and miserable, with nothing but a deafening silence, a wave of tears, memories and your absence. Sanhita Baruah
She'd been in love with the man, and love is a scary thing. If not reciprocated, it can turn a person into a monster. Michele YoungStone
The last word of love is ... goodbye. Carroll Bryant
A man who loves others based solely on how they make him feel, or what they do for him, is really not loving others at all - but loving only himself. Criss Jami
The definition of hell is two people in a relationship that is starved for love and unable to fulfill that need. Shannon L. Alder
There is nothing spiritual about a marriage that uses guilt, blame, shame or religious manipulations to keep a relationship together. Shannon L. Alder
Many times he had tried unsuccessfully to let go his hold on her. They had many fine times together, fine talks between the loves of the white nights, but always when he turned away from her into himself he left her holding Nothing in her hands and staring at it, calling it many names, but knowing it was only the hope that he would come back soon. F. Scott Fitzgerald
She had been waiting for someone to notice her, like, really notice her. She felt that that was the key, that she would go from the duck to the swan the minute someone recognized her potential. And they would look into her like they were trying to pierce her eyes with theirs, like they were trying to make her heart stop, and the whole world would become background noise and she would take her first breath after all of these years of nothing but existing. It would be like a coronation, or a star exploding, and then she would be born. She would be alive, and she would be loved. Rose Fall