6 Quotes About Living In The Past

The past can sometimes be a burden, a hole in your chest. It’s a time when we feel guilty about our mistakes and second guess everything we ever did. These quotes can help you overcome the pain of the past and help you live in the present day.

I knew that on that island one was driven back into the past. There was so much space, so much silence, so few meetings that one too easily saw out of the present, and then the past seemed ten times closer than it was. John Fowles
I have always wished the present to resemble memory: because the present can be flat at times, and bald as a road. But memory is never like that. It makes hills of feeling in collapsed hours, a scene of enclosure made all precious by its frame. Lydia Millet
In my memories I have set my life in Brooklyn between pieces of glass, separate from my current existence, and this has enabled me to move forward. The past cannot tie me in knots, nor can it cause me to drown. And yet what is stored in glass belongs to me still. Each piece is a part of me: the hummingbirds, the locked doors, Mr. Morris in the yard, the pear tree, the woman covered by bees, and you. Especially you. Alice Hoffman
Every cure for nostalgia is obsolete. Raheel Farooq
When you're hounded by the shame of the past, you can turn into a pretty miserable person who is always trying to measure up and please others. Ed Cyzewski