6 Quotes About Jock

When you’re at the top of your game, there’s nothing better than being the best. Winning the championship, scoring the touchdown, or landing that job you truly wanted…these are all moments that our favorite sports heroes would do anything to experience again. It’s easy to forget that sports were once just a game, but these jock quotes remind us why it’s so important to be the best.

Jocks usually aren't smart. Their muscles feast on their brains.
Jocks usually aren't smart. Their muscles feast on their brains. Katie Mcgarry
It’s easier for me to make sense of it that way than it is for me to face the other way–reality. And yet, those evil spirits that were unleashed–be they fake entities from a stupid carnival ride, or cruel malevolencies from dark spiritual chasms of our universe–have stayed with me all these years Tim Cummings
Listen, we’ll come visit you. Okay? I’ll dress up as William Shakespeare, Lucent as Emily Dickinson, and beautiful ‘Ray’ as someone dashing and manly like Jules Verne or Ernest Hemingway...and we’ll write on your white-room walls. We’ll write you out of your supposed insanity. I love you, Micky Affias.-James (from "Descendants of the Eminent") Tim Cummings
I leave the kitchen table to bathe, and to dress for church. If only my closet held on its shelves an array of faces I could wear rather than dresses, I would know which face to put on today. As for the dresses, I haven't a clue. Tim Cummings
It's not just the cheerleading thing I have a problem with, it's the whole jock enchilada. I'm all for a good game of basketball in teh driveway or a killer bike ride. But when there's tackling and grunting involved-- no thanks. Linda Ellerbee