6 Quotes About Ironically

Life is full of irony. People think that when they are in a painful situation, they will stop feeling the pain. But when you stop thinking about it, the pain starts to feel normal again. When you have pain, you can’t feel it easily Read more

But when you forget about it, your body remembers how to feel it again. That’s ironic for me!

You can make fun of yourself and people will laugh...
You can make fun of yourself and people will laugh at you. If you’re smart, you’ll end up as a comedian. If you’re not, you’ll end up as a clown. Ljupka Cvetanova
An intangible substance, make up the world around us. But ironically, must still only foolishly trust, in what they can see or touch. Sovereign Voice
Ironically, we often fail to see that whenever we compromise ourselves to please others, we tend to lose their respect. Craig Groeschel
Its true that love doesn't come easily. Its equally hard to just let it go. Ironically, its just not in your hand. Heenashree Khandelwal
Ironically people will thank a deity for "letting" them win a race, but blame a "witch" if they stumble, look for the nearest suspect, and kill them. Why not blame the deity? Why not accept the setback as easily as they accept the victory/ Time people grew up some, I think - and stopped looking for theoretical "somebodies" to blame for their own misfortunes. Christina Engela