6 Quotes About Interdependent

Interdependence is the idea that one person's success depends on the success of the other. This idea applies to all areas of our lives, including relationships. When we are interdependent with others, we are not only helped but also helped others. This is what makes relationships so special Read more

The best relationships are the ones that encourage the growth of both people.

There is a music of the universes in every heart. Amit Ray
The more we understand the One Idea, how all of life is interconnected and interdependent, the more we can act in positive ways for the good of all. Laurence Overmire
Man does not live in isolation, we depend upon each other. Lailah Gifty Akita
Both outer and inner phenomena arise as a result of causes and conditions. Outer phenomena, the things of the physical world, arise in a series of seven steps. The texts use the example of a seed giving rise to a plant that gives rise to a fruit. The seven steps are: seed, sprout, leaflets, stemmed plant, bud, flower, fruit. Each stage succeeds the previous one in time and in order, each giving rise to the next. Dharma Publishing
TZEDAKAH is a Hebrew word commonly translated as “charity.” One Jewish leader described tzedakah as having eight levels of charitable giving. The eighth and highest level of giving is described like this:“ The highest form of charity is to help sustain a person before they become impoverished by offering a substantial gift in a dignified manner, or by extending a suitable loan, or by helping them find employment or establish themselves in business so as to make it unnecessary for them to become dependent on others.” Serve others in a way that helps them become self-reliant (or interdependent) and watch miracles happen for both you and them. Richie Norton