6 Quotes About Inpsirational

The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in. ~ Henry Drummond- Quotes about Love

Healing starts the moment you accept the truth about what has happened. But healing doesn’t come quickly. When you know that death or pain has come, you face a moment when you stare that pain in the eyes and declare that you will not be defeated by it. Then you turn away and grieve." -Chris Pepple, Without a Voice Chris Pepple
Thanks to demographics, that conservative push is not going to work-the United States is not going to be a mostly white country again- and because genies don't go back into bottles and queer people are not going back into the closet and women aren't going to surrender. It's a war, but I don't believe we're losing it, even if we won't win it anytime soon either; rather, some battles are won, some are engaged, and some women are doing really well while others suffer. And things continue to change in interesting and sometimes even auspicious ways. Rebecca Solnit
Writing and drawing are very therapeutic, but they are also an excellent manifestation tool. I teach my clients to draw what they want, or to write a story about it to bring the manifestation forward into the present. Alice McCall
Aim for the moon, but in your way there don't forget to dance with the stars and shine as bright as the sun. Tilicia Haridat
A conscience without regrets ~ to live life without having to say you're sorry. E.a. Bucchianeri