7 Quotes About Inclusivity

Be yourself, but be a better you. As inclusivity is becoming more prominent in the world, these inclusivity quotes are here to remind you of the importance of being open minded and accepting everyone for who they are. What better reason to be yourself than to encourage others to do so as well.

Love: always inclusive, never divisive
Love: always inclusive, never divisive Renae A. Sauter
A black woman making art is a disruptive act. Every...
A black woman making art is a disruptive act. Every story that I tell as a woman is a political act, even if I want to tell a 'silly love story.' The fact it exists through my gaze is radical. Ava DuVernay
You can't build a wall round a village. The sun and the windwill always find their way in. Igor Goldkind
Food-sharing is an innate way that we show our love for people we care about. Including others in times of celebration is an act of kindness. Dr. Theresa Nicassio
Urging an organization to be inclusive is not an attack. It's progress. DaShanne Stokes
If you don't have a plan for inclusivity your plan is to be exclusive. Catrice M. Jackson