122 Quotes & Sayings By Dashanne Stokes

DaShanne Stokes is a college student pursuing her Bachelor's in Criminal Justice at Shaw University. She is also an aspiring author writing about romance novels, which she hopes to one day publish.

If your actions don't live up to your words, you...
If your actions don't live up to your words, you have nothing to say. DaShanne Stokes
If you truly have faith in your convictions, then your...
If you truly have faith in your convictions, then your convictions should be able to stand criticism and testing. DaShanne Stokes
If you think your religion requires discrimination, you're probably misreading...
If you think your religion requires discrimination, you're probably misreading your faith. DaShanne Stokes
When you've grown up mis-educated, surrounded by fear and hate,...
When you've grown up mis-educated, surrounded by fear and hate, unaware of your privilege, lies can sound like the truth. DaShanne Stokes
Blood can help make family, but family often transcends blood.
Blood can help make family, but family often transcends blood. DaShanne Stokes
Same-sex marriage has not created problems for religious institutions religious...
Same-sex marriage has not created problems for religious institutions religious institutions have created problems for same-sex marriage. DaShanne Stokes
The more we're thrown into conflict with each other through...
The more we're thrown into conflict with each other through engineered distrust, the less able we are to unite against those responsible. DaShanne Stokes
Democracy doesn't mean spreading terror.
Democracy doesn't mean spreading terror. DaShanne Stokes
Prejudice plunges you into a world of fear and hate....
Prejudice plunges you into a world of fear and hate. That's no way to live. DaShanne Stokes
Fear is the intended result of codifying homophobia into law.
Fear is the intended result of codifying homophobia into law. DaShanne Stokes
Love should never mean having to live in fear.
Love should never mean having to live in fear. DaShanne Stokes
The power of love is that it sees all people.
The power of love is that it sees all people. DaShanne Stokes
The world could use more love. Why deny it to...
The world could use more love. Why deny it to others? DaShanne Stokes
People think that LGBTs adopting children will hurt them, but...
People think that LGBTs adopting children will hurt them, but it's not being in loving homes that hurts children most. DaShanne Stokes
What does love mean if we would deny it to...
What does love mean if we would deny it to others? DaShanne Stokes
People turned against each other cannot turn against those responsible.
People turned against each other cannot turn against those responsible. DaShanne Stokes
Freedom means equality. If you don't believe in equality for...
Freedom means equality. If you don't believe in equality for all, you don't believe in freedom. DaShanne Stokes
Free elections don't always result in fair elections.
Free elections don't always result in fair elections. DaShanne Stokes
An institution rooted in slavery can never set us free.
An institution rooted in slavery can never set us free. DaShanne Stokes
Discrimination does not 'make America great.' It makes America weak.
Discrimination does not 'make America great.' It makes America weak. DaShanne Stokes
A president cannot defend a nation if he is not...
A president cannot defend a nation if he is not held accountable to its laws. DaShanne Stokes
Failing to indict a criminal sitting president sends the message...
Failing to indict a criminal sitting president sends the message that those in power are above the law. DaShanne Stokes
A president who has incited violence inspires citizens towards hate...
A president who has incited violence inspires citizens towards hate and violence. DaShanne Stokes
Those who incite violence have no business lecturing others about...
Those who incite violence have no business lecturing others about unity. DaShanne Stokes
Violence isn't a Democrat or Republican problem. It's an American...
Violence isn't a Democrat or Republican problem. It's an American problem, requiring an American solution. DaShanne Stokes
If you voted for a man who said
If you voted for a man who said "Grab em by the pussy, " you have zero room to claim to protect anyone in bathrooms. DaShanne Stokes
Leadership by deception isn't leadership. It's fraud.
Leadership by deception isn't leadership. It's fraud. DaShanne Stokes
When you're dealing with frauds and liars, listen more to...
When you're dealing with frauds and liars, listen more to what they don't say than what they do. DaShanne Stokes
Blind party loyalty will be our downfall. We must follow...
Blind party loyalty will be our downfall. We must follow the truth wherever it leads. DaShanne Stokes
One of the most important qualities of a president is...
One of the most important qualities of a president is the ability to inspire, to bring people together for the common good. DaShanne Stokes
We must acknowledge and take responsibility for the conflicts we have helped to create, and act to create real change. That, after all, is the true hallmark of democracy--a commitment to justice, honest self-appraisal, and action--even when it means challenging ourselves and the political institutions we hold most dear. DaShanne Stokes
Our democracy should aspire to be more democratic.
Our democracy should aspire to be more democratic. DaShanne Stokes
We owe our loyalty to each other and to our...
We owe our loyalty to each other and to our children's children, not to party politics. DaShanne Stokes
Laws forbidding adoptees from accessing their original birth certificates are...
Laws forbidding adoptees from accessing their original birth certificates are outdated and need to be changed today. DaShanne Stokes
Truth is hard, propaganda is cheap.
Truth is hard, propaganda is cheap. DaShanne Stokes
Ethics and oversight are what you eliminate when you want...
Ethics and oversight are what you eliminate when you want absolute power. DaShanne Stokes
No matter their party, people with a conflict of interest...
No matter their party, people with a conflict of interest should be banned from the Electoral College. DaShanne Stokes
Accepting fraud from our leaders means accepting fraud in our...
Accepting fraud from our leaders means accepting fraud in our personal lives. DaShanne Stokes
Fascism thrives in obscurity and darkness.
Fascism thrives in obscurity and darkness. DaShanne Stokes
If you lay with a scorpion, don't be surprised when...
If you lay with a scorpion, don't be surprised when it finally stings you. DaShanne Stokes
Electing a bigot enables further bigotry. DaShanne Stokes
Denying the popular vote is un- American and anti-democratic.
Denying the popular vote is un- American and anti-democratic. DaShanne Stokes
I've fought for religious freedom and I can tell you...
I've fought for religious freedom and I can tell you that anti-gay 'religious freedom' bills aren't it. DaShanne Stokes
Today's 'religious freedom' policies should not be seen as a...
Today's 'religious freedom' policies should not be seen as a problem limited to LGBT people but as a co-optation of religion that affects us all. DaShanne Stokes
Leaders who do not help the people must be replaced...
Leaders who do not help the people must be replaced by the people. DaShanne Stokes
We elected a man who knows how to build walls...
We elected a man who knows how to build walls when we needed someone who knows how to build bridges. DaShanne Stokes
Only by speaking out can we create lasting change. And...
Only by speaking out can we create lasting change. And that change begins with coming out. DaShanne Stokes
Discovering that I was adopted redefined my entire world, but...
Discovering that I was adopted redefined my entire world, but it taught me that who you are doesn't change. DaShanne Stokes
Being denied their original birth certificates isn't just a problem...
Being denied their original birth certificates isn't just a problem for adoptees. It's a social problem, requiring social change. DaShanne Stokes
Racist legacy laws and modern racist practices are all part...
Racist legacy laws and modern racist practices are all part of the same system, and it needs to be changed now. DaShanne Stokes
You can flip a coin to change its face, but...
You can flip a coin to change its face, but it remains the same coin. DaShanne Stokes
A fool can't help but be a fool, but when others follow, he makes a fool of us all. DaShanne Stokes
Privilege doesn't just insulate people from the consequences of their prejudice, it cuts them off from their humanity. DaShanne Stokes
Those with unearned privileges often spin things as 'political correctness' to further silence those they wish to oppress. DaShanne Stokes
We must speak truth to power and confront ignorance with facts. DaShanne Stokes
P.T.S.D. doesn't make you weak. It makes you a survivor. DaShanne Stokes
Bigotry lives not just in our words, but in our actions, thoughts, and institutions. DaShanne Stokes
Prejudice is learned. What will you teach others through your actions and words? DaShanne Stokes
Talk without the support of action means nothing. DaShanne Stokes
If you'd combat bigotry, use honest language and call things out for what they really are. DaShanne Stokes
Saying it's hard being straight is like complaining to the poor that it's difficult being wealthy. DaShanne Stokes
Persecution complexes are reaffirming to those who benefit from unearned privileges. DaShanne Stokes
If you think being straight means you're being discriminated against, you're probably misreading your privilege. DaShanne Stokes
Those who benefit from unearned privilege are too often quick to discount those who don't. DaShanne Stokes
Bigotry hurts the economy, so the next time you want to blame minorities for your problems, first take a look in the mirror. DaShanne Stokes
If you can't see past my name, you can't see me. DaShanne Stokes
Bigotry that is known and visible is bigotry that can be challenged. DaShanne Stokes
If you defend free speech for bigots but not to combat bigotry, then you believe in bigotry, not free speech. DaShanne Stokes
Privilege is when your voice is the norm but still you claim to be unheard. DaShanne Stokes
Bigots often like to say they're the ones being hurt as they oppress and hurt others. Never fall for the 'pity the privileged' routine. DaShanne Stokes
If you love your country, you must be willing to defend it from fraud, bigotry, and recklessness--even from a president. DaShanne Stokes
Trump didn't divide America. He just doused us with gasoline and fanned the flames. DaShanne Stokes
Building bridges takes us further than building walls. DaShanne Stokes
It's a scary world we live in when a person of color endorses a racist for president. DaShanne Stokes
Discrimination is discrimination, even when people claim it's 'tradition. DaShanne Stokes
Calling for an end to hate shouldn't be treated as a punishable offense. DaShanne Stokes
What does religious freedom mean if we would use it as a cover for hate and privilege? DaShanne Stokes
It's terrifying to think you could become the next statistic. DaShanne Stokes
Racism is dead only to those who've closed their eyes and ears to the whole world around them. DaShanne Stokes
Facts are threatening to those invested in fraud. DaShanne Stokes
Lies sound like facts to those who've been conditioned to mis-recognize the truth. DaShanne Stokes
Privilege is when you contribute to the oppression of others and then claim that you are the one being discriminated against. DaShanne Stokes
Adoptees deserve open records because deception and partial truths do not set us free. DaShanne Stokes
What matters most is not 'what' you are, but 'who' you are. DaShanne Stokes
Political correctness’ is a label the privileged often use to distract from their privilege and hate. DaShanne Stokes
People often call fighting discrimination being 'PC' because they don't want their own unearned privileges challenged. DaShanne Stokes
It's not 'over-sensitivity' to ask to be treated with the same dignity and respect shown to others. DaShanne Stokes
There is nothing 'honorable' or 'reasonable' in giving a pass to those who want to discriminate. DaShanne Stokes
Adoption isn't just a childhood experience, it's a life-long experience. DaShanne Stokes
An institution rooted in slavery cannot be the voice of our people. DaShanne Stokes
Let them have guns' is as much a solution to mass murder and gun violence as 'Let them have drugs' is a solution to drug addiction. DaShanne Stokes
When we allow violence against some, we enable violence against all. DaShanne Stokes
Bigotry and sexism destroy the unity needed for a nation to live. DaShanne Stokes
Privilege is when you can afford to sit back and criticize others who have to fight for the things you take for granted. DaShanne Stokes
It speaks volumes when people who are discriminated against go on to discriminate against others. DaShanne Stokes
Standing against discrimination for some while supporting discrimination against others hurts us all. DaShanne Stokes
Political correctness' as 'over-sensitivity' is code for saying the privileged shouldn't have their unearned privileges questioned. DaShanne Stokes
Saying something is 'politically correct' is often a way of dismissing the voices of the oppressed. DaShanne Stokes
The minute we look away, the minute we stop fighting back, that's the minute bigotry wins. DaShanne Stokes
Bigotry is based on deception, of oneself and of others. DaShanne Stokes