6 Quotes About Inaccessible

Sometimes life can be hard. Trapped in a bad relationship, struggling with an addiction, or having to make tough decisions, it can seem like no one understands your pain. No matter how much you’re hurting you’re not alone. There are thousands of other people out there who are feeling the same way you are Read more

The following collection of quotes about being inaccessible will help you feel better about yourself and your situation.

Oh, he did look like a deity — the perfect balance of danger and charm, he was at the same time fascinating and inaccessible, distant because of his demonstrated flawlessness, and possessing such strength of character that he was dismaying and at the same time utterly attractive in an enticing and forbidden way. Simona Panova
Now I wonder if each artwork is in fact utterly inaccessible to everybody but the person to whom it is secretly addressed? Sara Baume
As a general rule the one who is not easily accessible is more valuable. Amit Kalantri
Her character was like a country which on first acquaintance seems grand, but inhospitable; but in which presently you discover smiling little villages among fruit trees in the folds of the majestic mountains, and pleasant ambling rivers that flow kindly through lush meadows. But these comfortable scenes, though they surprise and even reassure you, are not enough to make you feel at home in the land of tawny heights and windswept spaces. M. Somerset Maugham
Being like a rock wall" is when a master of martial arts suddenly becomes like a rock wall, inaccessible to anything at all, immovable. Miyamoto Musashi