6 Quotes About Icaru

The ancient Greek myth of Icarus is one of the most famous stories in all of mythology. His father, Daedalus, built him wings made out of feathers and wax so he could escape imprisonment, but Icarus flew too close to the Sun and melted the wings. The result was an epic fall. But the story has a moral: Don’t do what you know is wrong because it will lead to disaster Read more

There are many other stories with similar lessons, such as the Titanic and Gulliver’s Travels. While there is no need to believe in such fables, we can learn from them and apply their wisdom in our own lives.

Icarus should have waited for nightfall, the moon would have...
Icarus should have waited for nightfall, the moon would have never let him go. Nina Mouawad
I am clumsy, drop glasses and get drunk on Monday afternoons. I read Seneca and can recite Shakespeare by heart, but I mess up the laundry, don’t answer my phone and blame the world when something goes wrong. I think I have a dream, but most of the days I’m still sleeping. The grass is cut. It smells like strawberries. Today I finished four books and cleaned my drawers. Do you believe in a God? Can I tell you about Icarus? How he flew too close to the sun? I want to make coming home your favourite part of the day. I want to leave tiny little words lingering in your mind, on nights when you’re far away and can’t sleep. I want to make everything around us beautiful; make small things mean a little more. Make you feel a little more. A little better, a little lighter. The coffee is warm, this cup is yours. I want to be someone you can’t live without. I want to be someone you can’t live without. Charlotte Eriksson
Thus, Marlowe posed the silent question: could aspiring Icarus be happy with a toilsome life on land managing a plough with plodding oxen having once tasted the weightless bliss of flight? E.a. Bucchianeri
Like Achilles, the hero who forgot his heel, or like Icarus who, flying close to the sun, forgot that his wings were made of wax, we should be wary when triumphant ideas seem unassailable, for then there is all the more reason to predict their downfall. Dwight Longenecker
But who names a starship the Icarus? What kind of man possess that much hubris, that he dares it to fall? Amie Kaufman