7 Quotes About History Of The United State

The United States is a country in North America, often referred to as the "USA", the "US", the "United States", or simply "the States". It is home to people of many different ethnicities, languages, and religious beliefs. It is one of the world's most ethnically and racially diverse nations, with large-scale immigration from many other countries. Its advanced technology draws students and researchers from around the world.

A Jewish woman in exile in the 1930s is an antihero. Unknown
We need a new, deeper appreciation of the ethnic histories of the American people, not a reduction of American history to ethnic histories. Steven C. Rockefeller
My last thought before falling asleep was that we are all a lot more capable of conquering obstacles and fears than we think. Rinker Buck
Two hundred years after Euro-Americans "discovered" it, America's river west begins and ends at pollution. Bill Lambrecht
All right. They’re on our left. They’re on our right. They’re in front of us, they’re behind us. They can’t get away this time’. Unknown
The Nazi salute was performed by public officials in the USA from 1892 through 1942. The researcher Dr. Rex Curry asks 'What happened to the photographs and films of the American Nazi salute performed by federal, state, county, and local officials?' Those photos and films are rare because people don't want to know the truth. Public officials in the USA who preceded the German socialist (Hitler) and the Italian socialist (Mussolini) were sources for the stiff-armed salute (and robotic chanting) in those countries and other foreign countries. . Micky Barnetti