8 Quotes About Heart Disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. It’s estimated that more than 7 million people are living with heart disease, and more than 1 million die each year from it, according to the American Heart Association. But heart disease can be prevented, and many changes in lifestyle can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, especially if you start early. Get ready to read these quotes on heart disease because they will give you all the motivation you need to take care of yourself.

[T]he salient question is whether the increasing awareness of [heart]...
[T]he salient question is whether the increasing awareness of [heart] disease beginning in the 1920s coincided with the budding of an epidemic or simply better technology for diagnosis. Gary Taubes
People take ownership of sickness and disease by saying things like MY high blood pressure MY diabetes, MY heart disease, MY depression, MY! MY! MY! Don't own it because it doesn't belong to you! Stella Payton
If only we correct our eating habits than not only we would have perfect body weight but also we can get rid of most of the diseases.- Subodh Gupta , author "7 food habits for weight loss forever". Subodh Gupta
Most of the human body disease such as Obesity, Cancer, Heart disease are linked with our food which we eat in our day to day life. If people are eating health food than how come there be more than 50% death from heart and cancer disease alone in a developed nation such as USA? Subodh Gupta
The most chronic heart disease is caused by having greediness in your heart. Go for check ups regularly and learn how to swallow those lumpy pills of generousity. Be kind and be healthy Israelmore Ayivor
Science experiments have found that people who practice meditation release significantly lower doses of cortisol, known as the stress hormone. This is consequential because frequent release of cortisol can lead to heart disease, diabetes, dementia, cancer, and depression. Dan Harris
Although protein deficiency is widespread in poverty-stricken communities and in some nonindustrialized countries, most people in industrialized countries face the opposite problem–protein excess. The RDA for a 70-kilogram (154-pound) person is 56 grams; however, the average American man consumes approximately 100 grams of protein daily, and the average woman about 70 grams. Many meat-loving Americans eat far more protein. Some research suggests that high protein intake contributes to risk for heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis. However, because high protein intake often goes hand-in-hand with high intakes of saturated fat and cholesterol, the independent effects of high protein intake are difficult to determine. Melissa Bernstein