20 Quotes About Groom

It's an emotional journey for those getting married. There are all kinds of things that can go wrong on your big day, and if you're fortunate enough to be surrounded by people rooting you on, you'll feel all the better for it. If not, at least you'll have a lot of wonderful memories and unforgettable stories to tell and share with the future generations. Hopefully they will be as good as these quotes about wedding ceremony.

Sexual intimacy is a relationship, not just body parts coming together. The more comfortable you are with each other outside the bedroom; the easier it is to relax and the sweeter the intimacy! Ngina Otiende
A spouse who refuses to cultivate or fan physical intimacy...
A spouse who refuses to cultivate or fan physical intimacy first devalued the marriage in their mind and priorities. Spouses who defile their marriage bed first lost honor for their marriage. Ngina Otiende
God has a passion for brand new beginnings.
God has a passion for brand new beginnings. Ngina Otiende
What if, in the bigger scheme of things, God put the yearning and desire for our husbands, not so a man could fulfill all of it, but so we could catch a glimpse of what it means to fully and wholly yearn for God? Ngina Otiende
A poetess is not as selfishas you assume. After months of agonising over her marriage of words–the bride–and spaces–the groom, she knows that as soonas she has penned the poem, it’s yours to consume. So, without giving it a think, she blows on the inkand the letters fly awaylike dandelions on a windy day, landing on hands and lips, on hearts and hips. But more often than not, you can easily spotthem trodden and forgotten, becoming sodden and rotten. Yet, she will continue to makewhat’s others to takebecause selfishness is not the mark of a poetess. Kamand Kojouri
Trust me, you will get plenty of "advice" from everyone and anyone on the best way to do things, and remember that you don't have to take any of it. Know that whatever you choose, THE PEOPLE WHO LOVE YOU AND SUPPORT YOU THE MOST WON'T MAKE THE DAY ABOUT THEM, they'll make it about you and him, and show up to celebrate your special day regardless of what you decide to do. Melissa Hill
...because unlike some, I wasn't in line when they were handling out perfect genes. Melissa Hill
Well don't demand the spotlight if you can't handle the attention. Melissa Hill
Remember, whoever holds the purse strings for the wedding has the control. Don't accept a cent from anyone else if possible. Then you and him will be the only ones calling the shots. All the decisionswill be yours and the rest of them will just have to go along with it. Melissa Hill
Ask yourself, if they getting married, would you be upset if you weren't invited? If the answer is no, then that's an easy name to cross off your list. Anna Bell
The rule for J.O.Y is Jesus, Others and You. You can’t have a perfect joy if all you think about is about how to groom your life! Israelmore Ayivor
Relationship tiesheart of two souls eager to fly freely soaring to sky featsin full-fledged wingsunrestrained passionsto a realm in whichboth remain invisible. Rajesh Nanoo
The groom always smiles proudly because he's convinced he's accomplished something quite wonderful. The bride smiles because she's been able to convince him of it. Judith McNaught
I know that you always take around because you talk so much, but I like to always know what's happening in your world. Anna Bell
It’s like my whole life my left ring finger has been lacking something, and finally it feels complete. Anna Bell
... it is easier to tell someone closer to you before you tell your partner. Anna Bell
The fact that I am marrying the man of my dreams is all that matters. Anna Bell
Instead I’ve built a house made of lies that have come crashing down around me. Anna Bell
In Hollywood, brides keep the bouquets and throw away the groom. Groucho Marx