23 Quotes About Generation Gap

The gap between generations is one of the most prominent trends in today’s society. What do people think about this gap? Do they think people are losing touch with the younger generation, or that they are just too old to relate? Or are they seeing this gap as an opportunity to learn more about the generations that follow them? The below quotes will help you figure out what you think about this gap between generations.

If the surprise outcome of the recent UK referendum - on whether to leave or remain in the European Union - teaches us anything, it is that supposedly worthy displays of democracy in action can actually do more harm than good. Witness a nation now more divided; an intergenerational schism in the making; both a governing and opposition party torn to shreds from the inside; infinitely more complex issues raised than satisfactory solutions provided. It begs the question 'Was it really all worth it' ? . Alex Morritt
The young man pities his elders, fearing the day he, too, will join their ranks. The elderly man pities the younger generation, well-knowing the trials and tribulations that lie ahead of them. Lynda I Fisher
Repeat after me:1. our immigrant families are not just ‘homophobic’ they are also ‘colonized.’2. our parents have histories, genders, and sexualities, too.3. they are just as broken as we are (but we have the words – i mean the english – to say it)4. the diaspora responds to racism with heteronormativity5. trauma seeps through generations Darkmatter
America isn't breaking apart at the seams. The American dream isn't dying. Our new racial and ethnic complexion hasn't triggered massive outbreaks of intolerance. Our generations aren't at each other's throats. They're living more interdependently than at any time in recent memory, because that turns out to be a good coping strategy in hard times. Our nation faces huge challenges, no doubt. So do the rest of the world's aging economic powers. If you had to pick a nation with the right stuff to ride out the coming demographic storm, you'd be crazy not to choose America, warts and all. Pew Research Center
I am suggesting that we don’t put the “income” cart before the “contentment” horse. Miles Anthony Smith
Our career mantra should be learn, relearn, repeat. Miles Anthony Smith
There remains a natural career progression even though the tougher job climate seeks to delay it. Miles Anthony Smith
What someone may lack in talent can be more than made up for in self-motivation, self-direction, and follow-through. Miles Anthony Smith
Do you want a level of income to fit your lifestyle or a lifestyle to fit your income level? Miles Anthony Smith
In the name of all that is holy, please consider the wages of a particular profession before you select that degree plan. Miles Anthony Smith
The construct of retirement is dubious at best and a farce at worst. Expectations contrary to this are to be dashed. Miles Anthony Smith
Adaptability is the name of the game; if you understand that you must now be adaptable and flexible, you will find a way to succeed in your career. If not, you will succumb to job market pressures. Miles Anthony Smith
Labor saving devices have destroyed many jobs but have given rise to many new ones. It simply is up to us if we are going to resist or embrace the future. Miles Anthony Smith
Whereas previous generations had to face some unpredictability, current generations are facing unprecedented levels of instability. Miles Anthony Smith
The surest way to ensure career extinction is to resist change and adaptation. Miles Anthony Smith
Finding a job that is a good fit is as much about you selecting the right company as it is about them selecting the right candidate. Miles Anthony Smith
Everyone is dispensable but some are more dispensable than others. Miles Anthony Smith
Can’t we do better with Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software? Miles Anthony Smith
When presented with an open door in your job, drive a Mack truck through it. Miles Anthony Smith
Grandma sees these things when she talks about them and gestures with her hands like she's painting brush strokes in the air. The way Grandma paints her dreams for me, there's a low sky. Heidi W. Durrow
Wart meets Merlin for the first time — only for Merlin, who lives backwards, it's the last time. The old wizard weeps and the boy can't understand why. It's a powerful expression of the gulf between the ancient and the young. Philip Womack
You're not content in your position as a factory owner and a rich heiress, you don't believe in your right to it, and now you can't sleep, which, of course, is certainly better than if you were content, slept soundly, and thought everything was fine. Your insomnia is respectable; in any event, it's a good sign. In fact, for our parents such a conversation as we're having now would have been unthinkable; they didn't talk at night, they slept soundly, but we, our generation, sleep badly, are anguished, talk a lot, and keep trying to decide if we're right or not.- A Medical Case . Anton Chekhov