16 Quotes About Frustrated

Everyone has had times when they feel like giving up. Those who are able to keep their head on straight and keep moving forward, however, are the ones who succeed in life. We’ve put together a collection of quotes about frustration that can help you through times when you just want to give up. If you’re looking for quotes that will inspire you to keep going despite challenges, these frustration quotes are just what you need.

Sometimes, he gets on my nerves; At other times, I...
Sometimes, he gets on my nerves; At other times, I burn the ladder. Sanhita Baruah
When you walk around feeling quietly upset, frustrated, angry or...
When you walk around feeling quietly upset, frustrated, angry or some other negative emotion, people around you will detect it to some degree or another, even if only subconsciously. Sam Owen
When men and women who God has created to make a difference in the world, abandon the mandate for their lives and instead, begin to pursue all nonentities of life, God cannot but be frustrated Sunday Adelaja
I don’t just want you to come. I want you to come undone Kelly Moran
It’s really a rather simple thing to bring balance to my anger. All I need to do is remember that the ‘hand of cards’ that have been dealt to me pale in comparison to the ‘deck of cards’ that I’ve thrown at others. Craig D. Lounsbrough
The word "frustration" is defined as the unfortunate tendency of lessening one's destiny. Rise up and take all frustrations away! Stop squeezing your dreams into a small size... You were not created to settle for less! Israelmore Ayivor
It’s an immense night out there, wheeling and windy. The lights on the street and in the houses against the black wetness, little unilluminating glints that might be painted on it. The town seems huddled together, cowering on a high tiny perch, afraid to move lest it topple into the wind. Sinclair Ross
Everyone feels depressed, angry or frustrated at times; it’s a crossroads not a dead end. Sam Owen
Am I ever angry or frustrated? I only feel angry sometimes when I see waste, when things that we waste are what people need, things that would save them from dying. Frustrated? No, never. Mother Teresa
It is better to stay single and wait for the one that makes sense then to marry someone that makes absolutely no sense. The moment you settle is when the one person that makes all the sense in the world shows up and Satan sits back and enjoys your spiritual meltdown. Shannon L. Alder
I almost feel bad for declining, but I feel more terrible that I can’t stop looking at how his chest rises and falls with each of his frustrated breaths. Alex Rosa
He had been haunted his whole life by a mildcase of claustrophobia–the vestige of a childhood incident he had never quite overcome. Langdon’s aversion to closed spaces was by no means debilitating, but it had always frustrated him. It manifested itself in subtle ways. He avoided enclosed sports like racquetball or squash, and he hadgladly paid a small fortune for his airy, high-ceilinged Victorian home even though economical facultyhousing was readily available. Langdon had often suspected his attraction to the art world as a youngboy sprang from his love of museums’ wide open spaces. Dan Brown
If you stay focused on one task or thought at a time you will less likely become frustrated. Sheryl Campbell
Frustration often steers you to the right path. Joyce Rachelle
I get really frustrated if people don't smile. Sophie EllisBextor