17 Quotes About Finding Peace

Finding peace comes from within. It isn’t an outside force that pushes you to calmness, it’s the years of experience and wisdom you’ve gained over your lifetime that allow you to be at peace. The collection below will inspire you to find peace in your mind, body, and soul.

The best kind of happiness is a habit you're passionate...
The best kind of happiness is a habit you're passionate about. Shannon L. Alder
Live your life, sing your song. Not full of expectations....
Live your life, sing your song. Not full of expectations. Not for the ovations. But for the joy of it. Rasheed Ogunlaru
God is the only one that won't disappoint you. Everyone else is percentages of your peace. Shannon L. Alder
When you think this pain is all you deserve, you are right. You are the only one that can decide how long you will walk in hell. Shannon L. Alder
There are a world of answers, outside the loop. Anthony Liccione
Big Love and More Light! XxMwaaahhhhXx K. Love
Most people are about as happy as their self confidence will allow them to be. Shannon L. Alder
Most people have to get to a point where they don't have a choice before they'll change something. Alex Marwood
You don't walk away to prove your worth. You walk away because you allowed someone else to dictate your value and you found yourself believing it. Shannon L. Alder
We can't worry away our problems, but we can worry anxiety into our mind and body. Thought energy is powerful. It's not easy to do, but we serve our well-being best, when we face our struggles head on and accept difficulties that are beyond our control and trust that we can garner the support and strength we need to jump the hurdles. Life needn't feel like a walking on a tightrope of tension. True peace is the calm within the storm. Jaeda DeWalt
You have to understand that only the very worst end up here: the ones whose anger made them kill, and who felt no sorrow or guilt after the act; those so obsessed with themselves that they turned their backs on the sufferings of others, and left them in pain; those whose greed meant that others starved and died. Such souls belong here, because they would find no peace elsewhere. In this place, they are understood. In this place, their faults have meaning. In this place, they belong. John Connolly
We don’t necessarily need to know each other’s name, age, profession, drug of choice, childhood trauma or recent tragedy to understand what pain feels like and offer comfort. We are strangers drawn together by a shared desire for lasting peace. Marta Mrotek
One of the most challenging aspects for those who are seeking to find the God of their understanding for the first time is His formlessness. It can be difficult to believe in, and connect with, something that cannot be seen. Perhaps this is because although God is in all things He is felt and experienced on levels that relate directly to the condition of our own hearts. Marta Mrotek
I think that the great trick in life, wherever you are in the journey, is to do what you love and let the universe support it. When we do what we love, every day is a holiday. Robert Moss
[Charlie is dying:] After what seemed a long while, but hadn’t been, Marsh gave Paulette’s hand a warm and caring squeeze. “They’re here for him, ” she said. But their heavenly visitors didn’t take him right away. They had to make room for the chaos of modern medical urgencies. To get out of the way of well-trained professionals who had dedicated their lives to holding back Heaven.Choppers are just as noisy and turbulent as we imagine them to be. One tore in over the hills and shattered every bit of peace Charlie otherwise could have lost himself into. In an instant the Med-Evac team was all over him. In the midst of that blatant orchestrated chaos Paulette fought to find her peace, and to hold him inside it.“ Hang on, buddy, ” techs kept telling him. “Don’t go leaving us now. You just hang in there.” But they didn’t understand, Paulette thought. It was his time. The chopper made a horrible racket carrying him off. Marsh, Paulette, and Ailana held their peace as its winds whipped their world into a froth. Harve’s face twisted with something that might conceivably have been rage. Then, all of a sudden, the birds sang, as though someone had given them a cue. “So that’s what it’s like, ” Marsha said, very softly.“ The afterlife.“ My God, it’s so beautiful. . Edward Fahey
Too much time is wasted fighting one self and life itself. Peace and fulfilment emerge the moment you embrace both. Rasheed Ogunlaru