3 Quotes About Fear Mongering

Fear is often a natural reaction to danger or uncertainty, but there is a difference between being afraid and being afraid of. Fearmongering is when people are used to scare you into doing or believing something. If you have been exposed to fearmongering campaigns in the past, it’s important to avoid it in your own life. Some examples of fearmongering are:

For any reputable person or organization to be successful, that person's or organization's actions must be based on solid information, not conspiracy theories, not hearsay, not rumors, and certainly not fear mongering. Mike Klepper
But if, in despotic statecraft, the supreme and essential mystery be to hoodwink the subjects, and to mask the fear, which keeps them down, with the specious garb of religion, so that men may fight as bravely for slavery as for safety, and count it not shame but highest honor to risk their blood and their lives for the vainglory of a tyrant; yet in a free state no more mischievous expedient could be planned or attempted. Joseph Ratner