4 Quotes About Faulkner

“The past is never dead. It's not even past.” -William Faulkner If you are reading this, you are living in the present, but the past is still with you, influencing your future. We all have a history hidden in our DNA, no matter how clean it may seem. The best way to embrace this history while moving forward is to learn from the mistakes of our ancestors because that is what makes us better Read more

Now that you’ve seen what William Faulkner has to say about the past, read on for more quotes about the present, future, and time travel.

Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or...
Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself. William Faulkner
Everyone in the South has no time for reading because...
Everyone in the South has no time for reading because they are all too busy writing. William Faulkner
Faulkner had an egg carton filled with periods and throughout...
Faulkner had an egg carton filled with periods and throughout his writing career, used nearly all of them. Kelli Jae Baeli