8 Quotes About Fake Love

Perhaps you’ve been in a relationship for years, and you still feel like you’re searching for more. This collection of fake-love quotes can help you discover the love within yourself and others. These inspirational and funny quotes about love will show you that even though we can’t always see it, there is still love out there.

There are all these relationships that are like cookie cutter shapes; identical and repetitive. Then there are all these relationships that aren't even relationships! Just facades for show and tell. But every once and a while, you'll see this bird breaking out of this cage and it's so weird and it's so obscure and you've hardly ever seen it before so you don't even know at first if you should name it Ugly or Beautiful! Relationships, stories of love, that just shatter the walls around the mind. They made it. They broke through. Like Ugly-Beautiful birds bursting forth from rusty cages! And then suddenly you stop and you think to yourself, "Maybe love really is real. C. Joybell C.
Spend your time with those who love you unconditionally, not...
Spend your time with those who love you unconditionally, not with those who only love you under certain conditions. Suzy Kassem
ACTS OF LOVELove is not a word Or a thought. It is the name for An action That breathes from its light. What do you DOIn Love's name? And is it only done Outside In the light? Or with an inner Flame Illuminating Love's T R U E Name? I want to know. Are your actions Done by remote Or with S O U L? And when you say You love someone, Does a light go off Inside at all? What have Y O U Done In the Name of L O V E? Because, Really, I want to know. . Suzy Kassem
Stop falling for those who won't raise you up in the future. Michael Bassey Johnson
God told us to love everyone. However, when you don’t like someone then you need to walk away and focus not on him or her, but the hatred you’re harboring. Otherwise, you will allow your piety to take over. Before you know it, you’re using the gospel as a sword to slice other religious people apart, which have offended you. From your point of helplessness, it will be is easy to recruit people that will mistake your kindness as righteousness, when in reality it is a hidden agenda to humiliate through the words of Christ. This game is so often used by women in the Christian faith, that it is the number one reason why many people become inactive. It is a silent, unspoken hypocrisy that is inconsistent with the teachings of the gospel. If you choose not to like someone, then avoid them. If you wish to love them, the only way to overcome your frustrations is through empathy, prayer, forgiveness and allowing yourself time to heal through distance. Try focusing on what you share as sisters in the gospel, rather than the negative aspects you dislike about that person. . Shannon L. Alder
Money make the world and your family turn Omar Hickman
You shattered the remainder of my heart, yet you expect me to be okay with it day after day. Ahmed Mostafa