3 Quotes About Echolocation

When you can’t see where you’re going, it’s especially difficult to navigate your way around safely. Thankfully, echolocation is an amazing sense that helps blind people navigate. Here are some of the best echolocation quotes to help you find your way in life.

It does appear that some parts of our evolutionary process seem inevitable. It is striking that throughout evolutionary history, the eye evolved independently fifty to a hundred times. This is strong evidence for the fact that the different rolls of the dice that have occurred across different species seem to have produced species with eyes regardless of what is going on around them. Lots of other examples illustrate how some features, if they are advantageous, seem to rise to the top of the evolutionary swamp. This is illustrated every time you see the same feature appearing more than once in different parts of the animal kingdom. Dolphins and bats, for example, use echolocation, but they evolved this trait independently at very different points on the evolutionary tree. Marcus Du Sautoy
-Bumblebee bat, how do you see at night?- I make a squeaky sound that bounces back from whatever it hits. I see by hearing. Darrin Lunde