100 Quotes About Stephen Richards Author

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Destiny is what is happening to you right now. Stephen Richards
Many folks describe arrogant people as jerks, idiots, creeps, and much worse. A person that treats you like you are stupid and says the only right way is their way — even when it clearly is not — is arrogant. They try to make up for their own lack of confidence by hammering away at others. Stephen Richards
When you forgive, it does not mean that you have submitted, it simply means that you have made a choice to stop bearing any grudge. Stephen Richards
You are the custodian of your own happiness. What other people say, do or think does not create a basis for your happiness. It is you who decides your own happiness, just like forgiveness. Stephen Richards
The heart is where the journey of forgiveness begins. Stephen Richards
Locking ourselves in the situation where we wish for sympathy and want to be looked at as the aggrieved party normally makes us powerless. Stephen Richards
The moment we become forgivers, then we are in line to enjoy the benefits of forgiveness. Stephen Richards
The idea of forgiveness is a journey that requires patience. If the journey of forgiveness is well travelled, there is a chance that we are bound to change in a very helpful way. Stephen Richards
Sometimes we are very convinced that what we went through needs to be re-lived so we end up going back and forth to the demons of the past and eventually we fail to get over them. Stephen Richards
Forgiveness does not change the past, that’s for sure, but it does change the future. Stephen Richards
The minute we put aside our self-righteousness and move away from being the aggrieved, then we are on a healing process. Stephen Richards
The only thing that will make us remain glued to being the victim is our failure to handle the emotions that we go through and the pain that overcomes us. Stephen Richards
When you make up your mind to forgive, your happiness will almost automatically follow. Stephen Richards
In an unforgiving world, chaos rules. Stephen Richards
When you forgive, you immerse yourself in healing waters. Stephen Richards
When you forgive, you are freed from some of the feelings of disapproval and it can contribute to lessening your negative thoughts. Stephen Richards
Offer yourself forgiveness as a gift. The word ‘give’ is the basic keyword in the word forgiveness, therefore it relays a meaning therein. Stephen Richards
The same zeal and guts with which you were persistent not to forgive is the same zeal and enthusiasm with which you should be able to open up a new relationship with your partner, loved one or friend, one that is founded on commitment and dedication. Stephen Richards
Your forgiveness or failure to forgive simply takes you nearer or further away from your ultimate goal. There are no two ways to deal with it, there is only one. Stephen Richards
Blaming other people inevitably makes us blame ourselves because if we are pointing the finger at someone, practically, we are pointing it at ourselves as well. Stephen Richards
We are often so convinced that we are so hurt and in pain, so much so that we opt not to forgive. Yet, as a consequence, that is what will make you weak! Stephen Richards
Just because you have been through a bad experience does not give you the ticket to keep going back to that situation over and over again and dramatizing it out of proportion. Stephen Richards
Overly playing the role of the victim can debar you from accepting responsibility for your actions and emotions. Stephen Richards
Being joyous or happy is not something you should feel guilty about. Stephen Richards
The idea of always wanting to be the victim in circumstances where you have been offended is a common human trait. Each person wants to be viewed as the aggrieved party. Stephen Richards
Do the forgiveness and carry on going forward. Leave the worrying to the other person. Eat what is on your plate and leave the rest to them. Stephen Richards
In the process of forgiveness, you can only control your own actions and decisions. Stephen Richards
The purpose of forgiveness is not to make sure that someone ends up changing into what you expect them to be, as this is dominance. The purpose is actually to make your own life better, more worthy and less stressful. Forgiveness reduces the hold that the wrongdoer has over you and empowers you. Stephen Richards
Assuming you are still lost in thought about when exactly you should forgive someone, well the time is NOW. Stephen Richards
Distancing yourself from some painful event is probably the ignition for the process of forgiveness. Stephen Richards
Failing to forgive yourself for certain wrongs you committed in the past can create self-dislike. Stephen Richards
Other people may well not find it relevant that you have forgiven yourself, but you need to know that it is not for them anyway. Everything at the moment is wholly about you. Stephen Richards
A broken and mended relationship turns out to be stronger than one that has never been broken, almost like how bones can become even stronger once broken and then healed. Stephen Richards
Take a walk through the garden of forgiveness and pick a flower of forgiveness for everything you have ever done. Stephen Richards
You are simply naturally inclined to make mistakes just as everyone else is, whether male or female, black or white, young or old. These mistakes are your school of learning, therefore forgiveness is your greatest teacher in this school of learning. Stephen Richards
Forgiveness is not simply a single act, it is a full process. Stephen Richards
If there ever was someone who had a control over you, someone who could cause you the greatest pain, someone who could ignore your most necessary requirements and someone for whom forgiveness were truly difficult to render, that person is none other than YOU. Stephen Richards
All the resentment that lies in your heart is simply causing damage to you mostly. Stephen Richards
Just because someone wakes up one morning and says, “Today I am going to be rich, ” does not automatically make them rich. So the same is true with forgiveness, it has to come from the heart with meaning, that is when it works best. Stephen Richards
The moment we see beyond our personal desires to be felt sympathy for, that is the time we can actually start the journey to that final destination of true forgiveness. Stephen Richards
If we studied the issue of forgiveness with a wider perspective, we are bound to opt for it after all. Stephen Richards
Forgiveness does carry with it numerous obstacles and one may well be surprised why many people find it a very difficult hurdle to jump over. Stephen Richards
The most basic method one can use to let go of the past is by looking at it as a learning experience. Stephen Richards
Do not be deceived that you are weak because you have forgiven; instead be rest assured that you are now showing great strength - after all, forgiving is one of the most difficult things to do. Stephen Richards
Remember, forgiveness is not a millstone but a milestone! Stephen Richards
The truth is, forgiving is a rather simple concept to grasp. It is often imagined that when you forgive, you have to reconcile with someone and yet this is a larger team in which forgiveness is just a player. Stephen Richards
The world is full of victims; don’t add to the growing culture of “I’ve a story to tell”, well not unless it’s a story to help others overcome situations or as a warning. Stephen Richards
Do not allow yourself to be pulled into the role of embracing victimship as some sort of badge of honor to wear or flash around at any opportunity. Stephen Richards
Before making a snap judgment, ask yourself if it really is something that has hurt you or simply just made you angry at yourself for allowing it to happen. It’s amazing what ‘sleeping on it’ can do. A new day sees a new beginning. Stephen Richards
This pain you are avoiding is a very necessary pain that will make you strong again. Stephen Richards
We invent what we need to get us by, but in doing so we are really continuing to hold on to the pain of yesterday. Stephen Richards
You can learn to heal yourself, learn to understand that the pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow! Stephen Richards
Pain can cause us to learn no end of lessons, but without resolution there can be no healing! Stephen Richards
The pain you have gone through will give you the strength of character to come through it all, so long as you learn from what you have suffered then it was not suffering at all. Stephen Richards
What you have suffered after you have healed will make perfect sense. Stephen Richards
You are not, though, forgiving so as to let others off with things. You are forgiving so that you can empower yourself to get over it and become strong. Stephen Richards
The practice of forgiving is a sequential practice that begins with excusing someone. Stephen Richards
As human beings, we are custom made to be happy. Why then would we want to change the order of things by not being happy? Stephen Richards
The pain you feel is simply because you do not yet have the strength to forgive. But you will grow strong again, that is for sure. Stephen Richards
Due to the need to co-exist with these inhuman and inconsiderate people, we will obviously be disturbed by their acts; something which if we look at closely actually means that we too could be affecting some other people negatively every once in a while. Stephen Richards
One way you can trace your way back to real and true happiness and joy is through forgiveness. Stephen Richards
By understanding the basic impediments to forgiveness, the repercussions of failing to forgive and the fruits of forgiveness, this will lead you gently to the shoreline of a distinct new and more powerful YOU. Stephen Richards
The word ‘believe’ is an important factor in you securing your success. Stephen Richards
Your life depends entirely on your reactions to the accountability that you are faced with. Stephen Richards
To be a power to reckon with you need to believe in yourself and your dreams. Stephen Richards
If you go through the biography of any famous personality you idolize you are sure to see the how the words ‘I can’ and ‘I believe’ played a very vital role in their fame. Stephen Richards
When you are desperately grabbing at straws all you get is a handful of weeds. Stephen Richards
A person who won’t do it has no advantage over someone who can’t do it. Stephen Richards
You are born, you live and then you die. But when you forgive you are free to live again! Stephen Richards
Stop being a mystery, discover yourself! Stephen Richards
Only by helping yourself first can you help the poor. Only by changing yourself first, can you change their condition. You achieve this by first removing from your mind any thoughts of poverty, for to think of something is to invoke it. Stephen Richards
Mind power is my art …… so bring the canvas of your mind closer and I will create a masterpiece. Stephen Richards
When you're scared, when you close your eyes. .. just know there is nothing left to fear! Stephen Richards
Your life you are living now is a creation of your mind, but if you search deep down you will discover the capacity to create an even better life. .. try it! Stephen Richards
Let's make just a few more steps and secure success forever. Stephen Richards
If you truly want to help the poor, first become rich yourself. Stephen Richards
Understand that you and you alone create your own opportunities, whether they come to you in the form of a lottery ticket, or a promotion, you brought that into your life. Stephen Richards
We wander along the world along many paths and maybe without knowing it we are walking now along one path towards success! Stephen Richards
Things, events and people align and position themselves accordingly when a strong enough thought stirs them. Stephen Richards
If we let the drama of others’ lives become our own, then we are no longer ourselves. We become the reflections of others’ dramas and their lives, their tragedies, and their misfortunes become our own. Stephen Richards
Only through a steady mind and constant faith can your desires manifest. Stephen Richards
Simply put, mind power is placing a request, or a wish, if you will, and trusting that somehow it will come to be. Stephen Richards
Reality is a projection of your thoughts or the things you habitually think about. Your entire life and everything in it is a result of your belief system coupled with your thoughts. The feelings and emotions you have cement this in your mind, and the illusion of all of this combined is what you see as your reality on a moment-to-moment and day-to-day basis. Stephen Richards
The word "universe" means "one tune" or "one rhythm", and when we are in tune or in rhythm with it, it cannot help but respond. Stephen Richards
If it is about education, then all who are college graduates should be wealthy. Stephen Richards
There are many instances when one person is enough to change the world. Stephen Richards
When you keep a strong image of what you want in your mind, and possess the conviction that it is yours by right, you send out powerful vibrations to the farthest reaches of the universe. Stephen Richards
If you believe that that the one opportunity you missed is the last one you’ll ever get, then that is exactly what will happen: no more opportunities ever. Stephen Richards
True gratitude, not mere verbal platitudes of thanks, is also a power in and of itself, which bursts forth from our inner being to the universe. Having received this power, the universe must respond, allowing more gifts to come our way. Stephen Richards
It does not matter if you are asking for health, for happiness, for financial wealth, or for all three. It doesn’t matter if you have no idea how this will come to you. Neither does it matter if you have no reason to expect it to. Stephen Richards
Whatever you desire, it comes from the universe, and whatever you manifest, be it situations, the right partner, friend, or spouse, the right pet, anything at all, IS the universe, for the universe IS everything. Stephen Richards
Just as the universe is in constant flux, so too are we in constant change, and we must accept that. Stephen Richards
There are no new inventions, only new discoveries. Stephen Richards
Everyone wants wealth to some extent or another, but few have it. The difference between those who have wealth and those who do not is that the former exert their will to turn what they want into a reality. Stephen Richards
When you use positive words it naturally has a very dynamic effect on the energy present around you. Stephen Richards
When you love someone's everything with your everything then you truly are in love. Stephen Richards
I was a normal person, living in a rough area with a foreign mother, I endured it and came out of the other side to help hundreds of thousands of people worldwide to change their lives just like I had mine. Stephen Richards
By today’s standards, if you go by the early morning TV misery shows, my broken home family of mixed parentage siblings was quite normal. Hailey Giblin
Cooking is great, but the meal that has been prepared for you with love is the best. Stephen Richards
They think giving people longer prison sentences is going to teach people a lesson. Well that is just fantasy, as we just take our drugs and violence in to the prison. Our brothers and sisters, pals or rivals outside plug the gap that has been left by the dealer that was selling the crack or smack in the first place. Just like kamikazes, when one is dead, fifty queue up to take their place. Stephen Richards